
Young Europeans Most likely to have fewer children to save the Planet Poll Finds

A survey carried out in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden in August by YouGov for the Guardian has some worrying Findings for the future demographics of Europe. Asked about what sacrifices they would be prepared to make to help fight global heating, 28% of 18- to 24-year-olds and 30% of 25- to 34-year-olds said […]

Young Europeans Most likely to have fewer children to save the Planet Poll Finds Read More »

Yousaf forced to rewrite his “illiterate” spending plans as top civil servant threatens to resign.

Among the public and Political circles, it is acknowledged that Humza Yousaf has been a less-than-inspiring leader for the Scottish Nation. When he published his “Programme for Government” in September, it was immediately criticised as being “underwhelming” and nothing but “reheated sturgeonism”. The lack of ambition surprised opponents, with Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar describing the

Yousaf forced to rewrite his “illiterate” spending plans as top civil servant threatens to resign. Read More »

Governments to get tough on immigration. Again…

Once you’ve been following politics for a few years, you inevitably start to notice an immutable truth: when a government’s popularity hits rock bottom, its politicians suddenly remember they must at least pretend to have the public’s best interests at heart. It’s like clockwork the government pigheadedly pushes through its globalist dismantling of the country

Governments to get tough on immigration. Again… Read More »

When is a New Scot, not a New Scot?

Well, whenever they specifically decide so. In a story that’s flown under the radar this month, SNP councillor Kairin Van Sweeden has resigned from the SNP after she called Labour councillor Deena Tissera a “New Scot.” This comment rattled the Sri Lankan, who said the remarks were “nothing less than racism.” She also called for

When is a New Scot, not a New Scot? Read More »

Democracy – but only for the left

So, “journalists” at the Ferret have run another hit piece on myself and Simon about our involvement with local community councils. I put the quotation marks around the word journalist because these chaps are about as journalistically qualified as myself, never leaving the house to do anything remotely journalist esq. Instead, they sit online, getting

Democracy – but only for the left Read More »

Scotland’s first minister worried about his family trapped in Gaza.

Scotland’s first minister, Humza Yousaf, has said his wife’s parents have become trapped in Gaza after visiting an elderly relative. Mr Yousaf, who has roundly condemned the recent actions of Hamas, said, “As many will know, my wife is Palestinian. Her mum and dad, my in-laws, who live in Dundee, live in Scotland. They’ve been in

Scotland’s first minister worried about his family trapped in Gaza. Read More »

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