Nottinghamshire sex offender jailed.

A dangerous sex offender has been jailed after sending explicit messages and arranging to meet a person he believed to be a 14-year-old girl.

Naveed Sultan, 38, had been sending the girl sexually explicit messages, unaware that the person he was texting was an adult posing as a teenager. After arranging a meeting place, the woman never approached Sultan but observed him from a distance.

It’s not clear how the woman came into contact with Sultan, but the information was reportedly passed to police officers via the company which employed him. Upon investigation, the police found explicit voice messages, pictures and videos which had been sent to the “teenager.”

It also emerged that Sultan had been in contact with two other teenage girls, one of whom was as young as 13 and had been threatened with rape.

After pleading guilty to two counts of engaging in sexual communication with a child and one of attempting to meet a child following grooming, he was given a total custodial sentence of eight years by Nottingham Crown Court. He will also be added to the sex offenders’ register for life.

Seeing as these cases are a dime a dozen nowadays, it’s becoming increasingly easy to become desensitised to this kind of criminal activity, but we mustn’t allow ourselves to be.

This story is a lesson in preventative vigilance. As our population increases and respect for values, laws, and people erode, we can expect crimes like this to become even more widespread.

As the recent stabbing in Ireland shows, our young are most at risk, and it’s evident that our governments possess no sympathy or remorse for the atrocities that are being enacted on their people. It is them who allowed ceaseless, undocumented immigration into our shores, and for that reason, we can’t expect them to fix a problem they are partly responsible for.

The Homeland Party will end the economic reliance on immigration and will deport any foreign national convicted and given a custodial sentence. We will also focus on the police, ensuring they adequately deal with anti-social and criminal behaviour within our communities.

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