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Our Thinking

Key beliefs

We are returning politics to the bedrock foundations of nation and community. Our focus is on ensuring that political decisions are made to promote our people’s well-being…. Read more

Nationalism explained

The Nationalist worldview is the most natural political theory and the true champion of diversity. Our helpful Q&A at the bottom of the page dispels the common misconceptions…. Read more

Councillor mission statement

Our foremost commitment is to prioritise the needs and well-being of our local community, ensuring the safety and security necessary for families to nurture and raise children… Read more



  • Invasive Species Removal
    Our team in the north east of Scotland were out this weekend, volunteering at the local country park. The removal of Himalayan Balsam, an invasive and non native species, is an essential bit of work as it spreads so fast and hampers the growth of native plants. Lending a hand, giving up time, making things… Read more: Invasive Species Removal
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