The Tudor Trust to sack board

Or are they?

It has been widely reported in recent weeks that the entire board of one of Britain’s wealthiest charities are to be sacked in an anti-racism diversity cull after branding itself “white and privileged.”

The Tudor Trust, which has assets of around £288million and gives about £20 million a year to good causes, was founded in 1955 by a bequest from Sir Godfrey Mitchell, founder of building giant George Wimpey, and several of his descendants are trustees.

The organisation is undergoing a woke makeover that has meant stopping all grants for 20 months while it ‘re-thinks’ its future and staff learn about ‘racial justice’ and ‘white supremacy culture.

According to some mainstream and alternative media sources, the board will be sacked in pursuing social justice, with three or four new trustees, including a new chairman, who will be appointed in the first round of appointments.

However, if any of these outlets had bothered to check the Trust’s website, they would have read a statement by the trustees which says

“No trustees have been dismissed. The decision for the present board to step down comes entirely from the existing trustees and is an exciting opportunity for a new group of trustees to take on the work that the current board has begun. This is a carefully managed period of change, and the Trust must continue to serve communities most in need of its funding in the future.”

So, the entire board is resigning to be replaced by, no doubt, a more diverse collection of trustees.

This is a pattern we see pretty often: people in positions of power and authority heroically declaring that their lucrative job will or indeed should go to someone from the BAME or LGBTQ communities.

David Cameron, for example, signalled his virtue by hoping that the conservative party would see the first prime minister of colour. But only after he has had his fill of the job.

It is, of course, not big or clever of these white privileged individuals (their words, not mine) to step down and deny our children the opportunities they had; these types of folk are more than happy to pull up the ladder after they’ve climbed it.

According to the Daily Mail, the chair designate role is offered at 18k a year for 60 days of work.

So it’s been a nice little side hustle for these privileged whites, who wouldn’t work every other weekend for an extra £1500 a month. It seems “working” for charities is a lucrative business. Ask ex-labour MP David Miliband, who consoled himself after losing the party leadership to his brother with a cosy $500,000 job running a charity in America.

On a broader scale, organisations such as the Tudor Trust should reconsider any policy that may discriminate against the English, Scottish, or Welsh, whether directly or indirectly. The Homeland Party is committed to ensuring that our people are not denied opportunities or subjected to discrimination.

The ideology of anti-racism, which stems from conflict theory, is often viewed as toxic. It seeks to hold those with white skin accountable for perceived historical injustices. It has no place on these isles, which are our ancestral homes.

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