The New Cold War

It’s sometimes hard to take almost anything our politicians say seriously; they lie and run false flags on so many things that you often wonder what they are trying to stop you from doing or noticing. The latest in a long, long line of these plays comes in the form of Tobias Ellwood, who has declared we are in a new Cold War with China after the arrest of an apparent Chinese spy.

China has been on the rise for a long while now, economically and militarily. We have seen the nation rise from the ashes of the failed Great Leap Forward to essentially the most influential country in the world.

They make vast amounts of our everyday products, hold much of our debt and dwarf our armed forces with the Peoples Liberation Army. Trade flows in and out of China in ways that used to be seen in Europe, and their heavy industry undercuts most of ours in the Western world.

They dominate Africa and its resources by offering trades of the most simple things, like roads, in exchange for mining rights. They are a superpower; make no mistake, their influence is felt everywhere globally.

And now we have to engage in a Cold War with this nation? Yeah, thanks, Tobias. With what exactly?

This nation has been bled dry by govt after govt since the days of the Empire. We have lost influence, capacity, industry and military strength. By design, we are no longer the plucky island that punches above its weight. We are a hollow husk of our once-great self. And there’s very little we can do to panic the Chinese.

We also have a nation with people so demoralised by Ellwood and his MP colleagues that no one is interested in this type of thing anymore. Gone are the days of the fear of the Reds in the Soviet Union. The people of the UK back in the 60s and 70s were much more homogenous and, therefore, patriotic.

They feared the Soviets as a group and were happy to ally with the US to be a force to stop the communists. Oddly enough, but that has long been beaten out of our people by Ellwood and his ilk.

MPs who have, for decades, seen the constant influx of foreign identities and cultures, who share no sense of belonging to these isles and are not here to “fight for Democracy” or anything like that. These numerous MPs have watched the national spirit collapse in exchange for GDP growth.

Now, they want us to all band together over some ideological nonsense about China?

We are at an odd stage where the politicians who led us here seem to have no clue that a pluralistic nation cannot be quickly mobilised to fight off another government for apparently spying. Do they think all the Pakistanis, Eritreans, Somalis, and Nigerians have some vested interest in securing our homeland?

They don’t care; it’s not the land of their heritage. They have no patriotic duty to defend this country if things go south. They aren’t interested in a Cold War that might reduce their living standards. That’s not why they are here; they came here to take advantage of the tolerance and diversity of liberalism and to enrich themselves.

And we need to look at the people in the government. They’re not all fire-breathing, God Save the King singing, Red White and blue-wearing patriots. They aren’t people who deeply care about this nation’s tactical secrets. Many of them potentially hate our country and its history, seeing stealing state secrets as payback for some wrongdoing we did in our past. And a lot may be in it for the paycheque.

Granted, we shouldn’t let the Chinese wander in and take our national secrets. But then again, we are a nation that allows anyone to wander in the front door with minimal to no checks. Unsurprisingly, the people charged with protecting our border are just as incompetent at checking anyone who gets close to government ministers.

After all, the Labour Party in 2021 employed Mr. Assaf Kaplan, a man who was, and maybe still is, a spy for Israel—a state with a history of stealing military tech from the US and giving it to China.

This nation is not geared to wage a Cold War on a country as big as China. That ship has long since sailed, and the current crop of MPs and the many before them have deliberately drained and diluted our nation so that we couldn’t do such a thing. That was their aim all along. And now the chickens are home to roost.

We should, however, guard our secrets, technology, military capability and day-to-day government running from outsiders. That’s what we should be doing. The current govt and various mainstream parties cannot do this, as they’re made up of people who work against us as a nation and against us as a people. They see China as a threat to the liberal world order, not our national interests.

So how do we continue? As a fractured whipping boy who gets bullied by enemies and allies alike and who cannot put up any viable protections against this? Or do we choose something better? Do we decide to relight the fire of nationalism and start working now so that future generations can enjoy a British state that is secure from outside influences?

Choose the second option, join the Homeland Party and let us start rebuilding. Let us get our people into politics and start running things properly like a real nation-state should be.

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