Tolerance, empathy and human rights

Official statistics released by the Home Office provide an overview of what they call “irregular migrants” and demonstrate the extent of the issue with small boats. The home office defines a small boat as a rigid-hulled inflatable boat (RHIB).

The home office is keen to describe this as a ‘phenomenon that was rare prior to 2019 but has since increased notably in number, along with some other groups arriving without prior lawful permission’. However, this statement suggests that the government has yet to learn how this became a significant problem.

What is happening in the English Channel is no phenomenon; this is either some Orwellian attempt to obscure the truth or a complete absence of foresight and proper planning. On the 19th of September 2016, Heads of State and Government discussed global issues relating to migration and refugees. UN Member States agreed to adopt The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants.

The 19th of December 2018 saw the conclusion of these talks when the UN General Assembly formally endorsed the development of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

The UK Government endorsed the Compact in December 2018 and has actively participated in its implementation, contributing significantly to the UN’s Migration Multi-Party Trust Fund (MPTF) to help Member States implement the Compact.

The UK Voluntary National Review 2022 clearly shows the UK is not committed to stopping or slowing immigration into this country. It is the opposite. They are committed to increasing cooperation, increasing the number of ‘Regular Migrants’ and stopping ‘Irregular Migrants’.

TGCM was a program that allowed all migrants to enjoy privileges that were not accessible to Native-born citizens. It is discouraging to think about the inequality and lack of fairness in such a system. This is no phenomenon, and it was not unforeseeable. It is planned Government policy despite all its sophistry.

The statistics from the Home Office are unsurprising to those who pay attention to politicians’ actions rather than their empty rhetoric. For example, they demonstrate the imprudence of issuing an open invitation to the world.

For brevity, let’s just focus on the National Referral Mechanism, which deals with referrals regarding potential Modern Slavery victims. ‘Modern slavery includes any form of human trafficking, slavery, servitude or forced labour.’

Table 4: Small boat NRM referral rate for top ten nationalities and total, 2018 to March 2023, shows our tolerant and empathetic approach has a widespread appeal.

Despite the validity of the referrals made to the NRM, Expecting the English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish to absorb this number of different cultures and people is wholly unreasonable. Given that there were 152 signatories in favour of TGCM, how was a more compassionate and humane approach not adopted?

The UK Government has not given a single thought to the impact of such action on the indigenous people and culture it is supposed to represent. Treating both migrants and citizens in an inhumane and material way is not a reflection of humanity. No, it is purely a rational and calculated economic decision.

It’s essential to consider the full range of needs for individuals and communities beyond their material requirements. Cultural practices, religious beliefs, and a sense of community are crucial for a person’s well-being and sense of belonging. These aspects are integral to pursuing self-determination and creating a sense of unity and homogeneity.

Genuine tolerance, empathy, and respect for human rights cannot be achieved through pluralism, materialism, and blind tolerance. It is important to understand that progressive ideologies are not in line with the innate requirements of human beings. If you believe that Liberal Dogma has exceeded its limits, then the only rightful place for you is the Homeland Party.

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