Russell Brand’s tour cancelled

The promoters of Russell Brands’ Bipolarisation tour have cancelled his three remaining tour dates amid allegations of sexual assault.

The announcement comes after Metropolitan Police received a formal allegation against the scandal-hit comedian. The complaints relate to incidents stretching back to the early 2000s

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said: “We are aware of reporting by The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches about allegations of sexual offences.”

Scotland Yard issued its statement about the latest allegation just days after a joint news report included accounts by four women who accused the comedian of sexual assault between 2006 and 2013.

On Sunday, September 17, the Met received a report of a sexual assault allegedly taking place in Soho in central London in 2003. The 48-year-old comedian said, “I was always transparent about that then, almost too transparent, and I’m being transparent about it now as well.”

One of Brand’s accusers said his denial was insulting. She said, “It’s laughable that he would even imply that this is some mainstream media conspiracy. He’s not outside the mainstream.”

What always makes us raise our eyebrows about these types of cases is the time that elapses between the alleged incident and when it’s reported to the police. Why would you take two decades to come forward? It inevitably raises specific questions. However, given the severe nature of the allegations, police are compelled to investigate.

As for Brand, he has happily wallowed and flourished in the drug and sex-induced world that the Western liberal society gave him. You could argue that this was the inevitable consequence of Western “sexual liberation.”

Sexual behaviour that our ancestors would have found highly inappropriate and vulgar. So, regardless of criminality, the behaviour exhibited by Russel Brand and others with the same immaturity towards sexual relationships should start to think hard about the future implications of such a carefree attitude toward sex.

Also, remember that in a liberal system, there is no emphasis on maturity or obtaining any spiritual or emotional connection. Sex in a liberal society is in no way connected to the function of procreation or having a loving family. It is merely exercising one’s right to indulge in selfish hedonism.

Put more simply, sex is now nothing more than a transaction between two persons, and if one party is unhappy with the service, you may find yourself liable for breach of contractual consent.

Guilty or innocent, he gets what he deserves.

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