Not in my backyard

A saying goes around our circles, “some people will only understand when it’s too late.” And this holds for a great many things. Not least when it comes to migrant hotels. People are happy to look down their noses at people who campaign against them. They laugh off their concerns as “racist” and never listen to the details. Then the party comes to their town, and things quickly become real.

For the most recent example, we will look at Langtoft in Lincolnshire. In Langtoft, a village with a population of 2045 in the 2011 census, the local council decided, through a government fund, to buy 12 houses for just over 1.8 million pounds, with the housing priority being Ukrainian and Afghan refugees. They’re the priority, not the locals, not the homeless, but the refugees in an area of the country where the average house price is around £400k. So this is not so working-class hub the way it usually is.

And people, quite rightly, are in uproar about this. The plans to do this were kept secret by the local council (I wonder why), and it gets better for locals. These 12 are the first 12 of 21 houses in this “re-homing scheme,” with an expected final bill of £4.4 million. £4.4 million on social housing, but with people from other countries being the priority. The government fund for this is worth around £500 million across the country. Will the homeless, ex-squaddies, or even Wilko staff see the benefit of this massive sum of money for housing? Not a chance. Like the rest of us, they should find comfort in our generosity while bills go through the roof and heating becomes a concern.

However, the NIMBY approach is on show for all to see. Liz Jarman is quoted in the Daily Mail as saying, “When this was put forward, it clearly stated the refugees would be best placed in large towns around here like Grantham and Market Deeping.” She is also quoted as saying it’s not that I’m against refugees – I welcome them- but how can the council do that?” And therein lies the crux of the issue. People like Liz are all fine with refugees coming in, and it’s absolutely fine to have undocumented men from all over the world put in an area with primary and secondary schools. That’s fine. Just not next to her. She welcomes refugees, just not next to her. “This is not because we are anti-refugees; it’s the way it’s been done,” exactly, bring them all in, just not near her.

People like Liz don’t care about the rest of us; they live in £400k houses and have possibly never had a real taste of diversity. To her, diversity and refugees are just a thing on the TV, something on the news where emotive language is used to guilt her into feeling sorry for them. But that guilt only goes so far. She still wants them here but wants everyone else to deal with them. It’s OK if our people can’t get on the housing ladder so long as people near her can.

The thing for people like Liz is that they don’t realise that they are going to get this just as much as the rest of us. The goal isn’t to flood the working-class areas with migrants; the target is everywhere. These people don’t realise what’s happening until it’s too late. They don’t realise that this was always the plan. Her liking refugees and welcoming them wasn’t all on her terms; it was on the government’s terms. And through the local council has decided that her area will be next, even though she has stressed how pro-migrant she is.

And that’s the other part of the story; even with this happening on her doorstep, she still shills for the same system that’s bringing in something she doesn’t like. She repeatedly repeats that she is pro-refugee without realising that such a stance is why this sort of thing can happen in her neck of the woods in the first place.

The people in this area have probably been isolated from diversity and the issues it causes our society because they’ve had enough money to be based far enough away. They’ve been nicely insulated from the crime and the grooming gangs and the moped gangs etc. And now, they get a taste of the reality around them and don’t like it. They probably sneered at people like us voicing concerns, but now they, too, voice concerns when it’s too late. They probably laughed when we objected, but now they object when it’s too late.

Let’s hope they don’t wait as long before joining a group like the Homeland Party and stopping all this. Or will they be too late for that as well? Will they look down their noses at us because of what our enemies say about us while they look out of their curtains onto a world they do not recognise?

The choice is yours, join us and push back or lose.

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