
Teachers were forced to do janitorial duties due to a lack of funds.

Headteachers are being forced to mend desks and unblock toilets after sacking school caretakers in the wake of budget cuts. School leaders in England said they could not afford to employ caretakers and had to change lightbulbs and clear playgrounds of dead rats. Amanda Richards, the headteacher of Sytchampton primary in Worcestershire, said her school “literally […]

Teachers were forced to do janitorial duties due to a lack of funds. Read More »

Children’s education in money matters should start before high school, say teachers.

Most teachers believe children’s financial education should begin in primary school. More than three in four teachers say most pupils leave school without the critical financial skills needed for life, a survey showed. An overwhelming majority of teachers in the UK think children should be taught about money before they start secondary school, the poll for

Children’s education in money matters should start before high school, say teachers. Read More »

Top British Universities offer places to foreign students with lower grades.

Some leading universities are using recruitment agents to offer places to overseas students with significantly lower grades than UK applicants, it was reported on Saturday. An undercover investigation by The Sunday Times found that 15 Russell Group universities offered one-year “pathway” courses, or foundation programmes, which the newspaper said provided privileged access to competitive degree courses. It

Top British Universities offer places to foreign students with lower grades. Read More »

A new OECD Education report shows SNP continuing to fail Scotland’s children.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) rankings for 2022, which showed Scotland’s performance in maths, reading and science has declined since 2018. Scotland’s average reading score was 493 – higher than the OECD average but a fall of 11 points from the 2018 score of 504.

A new OECD Education report shows SNP continuing to fail Scotland’s children. Read More »

Britain’s first black history professor and the course leader faces redundancy.

Thousand’s have backed a petition calling for a U-turn on a decision by The University of Chichester to pull the plug on its flagship African history course without consultation from its teaching staff or students. Whilst the petition has some legitimate concerns, namely Professor Adi and his staff not being consulted and the fact that

Britain’s first black history professor and the course leader faces redundancy. Read More »

Top Russell group universities favour foreign students over British teenagers

An Analysis of courses advertised by the University Colleges and Admissions Service (Ucas) shows that foreign students are being offered places on hundreds more undergraduate degrees in a clearing at Russell Group institutions than their British counterparts. It means that British teenagers who fail to achieve the A-level grades needed for their first-choice course when results

Top Russell group universities favour foreign students over British teenagers Read More »

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