Could Sir David Amess’s murder have been prevented?

The short answer is “yes”, according to Sir David’s daughter, Katie Amess, who is calling for a full inquest into her father’s death.

Sir David Amess, a British Conservative Party politician and Member of Parliament for Southend West, was fatally stabbed at a constituency surgery at Belfairs Methodist Church Hall in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, back in October 2021. The perpetrator was Ali Harbi Ali, then 26, from Kentish Town in North London.

Ali attended the surgery, posing as an NHS employee moving to the area. While inside the church hall, he emerged from a group of constituents armed with a knife and stabbed Sir David multiple times. He was arrested at the scene shortly after.

While on trial, the Islamic State sympathizer told the court of his plans to target various MPs who had voted for airstrikes against Syria, including cabinet minister Michael Gove. He was subsequently sentenced to a whole-life sentence.

The story doesn’t end here, however.

Talking to the Sunday Times, Katie Amess told how Ali had been reported to Prevent, a counter-terrorism programme, in 2014. The government-led, multi-agency programme aims to stop individuals from becoming terrorists, and police play a key role. According to the Prevent website, following assessment, many referrals do not result in any further police action, while other organisations such as health, forensic mental health, housing, or education can step in to provide support. In Ali’s case, no further action was taken.

According to Ms Amess, Prevent’s inaction wasn’t due to a perceived lack of threat from Ali but because of an “admin error.”

She said: ”He was reported. People were trying to help us, and so why was he allowed to just go on and do whatever he wanted for seven years?”

“What happened to my dad should not have been an admin error.”

She added: “It’s pretty obvious that Prevent isn’t fit for purpose, it has consistently failed people. It failed me. It failed my family catastrophically; it failed the public and also it failed other Members of Parliament.”

What was this admin error which enabled Sir David’s murder?

According to Essex senior coroner Lincoln Brookes, who was provided with a report on Ali’s Prevent case, a six-month case review was “missed” and a 12-month review revealed “nothing of concern.” All Prevent involvement then ceased after the 12-month evaluation in December 2016.

He stated that the evidence did not point to an exact time when the authorities could have determined a clear and definite threat in regard to Ali.

In July this year, Mr Brookes decided not to resume Sir David’s inquest, which had been adjourned once Ali was charged with murder.

Defending his decision, he wrote: ”The information made available to me is that the perpetrator had intentionally ‘gone dark’ using secure internet communication so as to present as being of no threat in the coming years”.

“Therefore, even acknowledging the imperfections in the handling of his mid-teens Prevent intervention, I have no evidential basis to consider this attack was possibly preventable so many years and imponderables later.”

And this is where Homeland Party would beg to differ with Mr Brookes. There is one glaring preventative measure which he and other establishment figureheads don’t want to draw your attention to, and that is fit-for-purpose border control and sensible immigration policy.

The details of Ali Harbi Ali’s background are sparse, but we can assume he was born and raised in Britain because the media insists on referring to him as “British.”

So, while stricter immigration controls would have been inconsequential in Ali’s case as he did not technically immigrate to Britain, it is fair to say that years of lax immigration policy have created a hotbed of different nationalities, ethnicities, languages, and religions. Inevitably, this hotbed has helped to nurture and harbour values that are at odds with our own.

While the far left relentlessly bullies the native British into being “tolerant” of foreign cultures and ideals, it seems members of those cultures are exempt from reciprocating our goodwill. They are often anything but tolerant of their host nation’s values, culture, and laws and refuse to assimilate.

The consequence of this is a nation where radicalised individuals willfully murder elected officials or members of the public whenever perceived slights against their values or belief systems are made.

Mr Brookes extended his deepest sympathies to Sir David’s family and those who knew him for their loss in such “dreadful circumstances”.

Understandably, Ms Amess remains unsatisfied. She said there had never been a “full public examination into the events leading up to his death”.

She added: “The people that actually could have helped me are nowhere to be seen. It feels like we have been completely disregarded.”

She has since taken legal action against the Home Office and Essex Police by filing a personal injury claim at the High Court, as lawyers said she wanted to “ensure proper accountability and learning” from her father’s murder.

Sadly, we can’t rewrite the decades of failure brought about by successive governments and liberal pressure groups, and we can’t bring back those who have fallen victim to multiculturalism. What we can do, however, is write the future and ensure that appropriate safeguards are put into place. We will need your help to do so.

These safeguards are quite simple. We would put a stop to immigration and deport any foreign national convicted of a crime. Any ideology which poses a threat to the physical safety of our people will be prohibited. Political correctness and affirmative action will be banished from our criminal justice system; this will prevent reluctance from the police and courts from performing their duties when investigating protected groups for fear of being labelled “racist” or a “phobe”.

And this is where you come in. If you have yet to join the Homeland Party, now is the time to do so. We are growing at a rapid pace, and more and more people are seeing that our sensible nationalist approach is the only viable option for getting our country back on track and protecting the British people.
We have passionate and hardworking activists working up and down the country promoting the Homeland Party and getting involved in their communities. If you agree with our stance and can help, join us and get involved. Your community and country needs you.