Murder of Harry Pitman

The BBC reported that a boy 16 has been charged in court with the murder of Harry Pitman. He remains in custody and will appear at the Old Bailey.

The Met Police said three other teenage boys – aged 15, 16 and 18 – who were arrested in connection with Harry’s death would not face further action.

One thing that the mainstream media have not widely reported is the insistence of Harry Pitman’s family that he was murdered on account of his race. For a press which latches onto any accusation of racism, no matter how transparently trivial or outright bizarre, such an omission is undoubtedly calculated.

His sister stated the following:

“Harry died because he was a ginger white boy.” She said: “The police have not told us why he was attacked, but it is obvious why he was targeted within five minutes. He is a big white boy.”

The Met Police have maintained that the murder was not racially motivated, despite the insistence of the family to the contrary. We do not yet know all the facts about this murder, but it would not be out of character for the police to downplay the racial element of crimes against our people.

One need only look at the mass rape of predominantly English girls at the hands of Pakistani gangs, which was swept under the carpet by the establishment, from local councils and social services up to the Home Office, because of the racial hatred which motivated such crimes and for fear such a revelation would cause resentment among the native population and expose pluralisms fatal flaws.

In their mind, the protection of liberal dogma comes before any other consideration, whether moral or legal, not least the interests of the native population whose democratic will has been thwarted every step of the way during this radical transformation of their homeland.

Such a remark as “What if the roles were reversed” has become so commonplace as to become tired and almost cliché, but only because we all hold the truth of the sentiment behind such a remark deep within our bones.

Everyone is aware, at least on an unconscious level, even if they are too frightened to admit it to others, or even to themselves, in a society where “racism” is regarded as society’s chief cardinal sin.

Harry Pitman’s Mother will not be granted a life peerage, unlike Doreen Lawrence, nor will she be made a university chancellor. His murder will not lead to any wide-ranging judicial inquiries, nor will it be remembered by the press in twenty years. But we will not forget him.

The Homeland Party is the only party that will stand up for the rights of all those forced to suffer in silence due to the injustices and pain caused by the enforced pluralism and racialization of our society.

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