
In my previous article, I note that the

“press latches onto any accusation of racism, no matter how transparently trivial or outright bizarre.”

Here we have just another example of such a case, which takes its place amongst a sea of cases which have become as routine as they are tiring.

Andrea Mairs, a black woman, formerly a teacher at King’s Road Primary School in Manchester, has won a discrimination case after she was sacked following a breakdown in the relationship between her and her colleagues.

The reason for this boils down to Mrs Muir weaponising her status as a female ethnic minority, and thus privileged with multiple protected characteristics, placing her high on the intersectional victim hierarchy; she used this privilege to intimidate and torment her ‘white’ colleagues until it was simply too much for them to bear.

According to reports, she lodged numerous baseless complaints, all so comical that devoid of context, one might assume they were parodies.

For instance, Muir “objected to a visiting magician referring to pupils as “little monkeys” which resulted in any reference to the word being banned from the school”.

In another incident, she raised an issue after she saw a photograph in an art display which showed a black student wearing a label that read “blackcurrant”.

Mairs told headteacher Darren Morgan she thought it was inappropriate for a black child to wear a sticky label that said blackcurrant as it could be “misconstrued.”

Such was the persistence and ruthlessness of Muir in pursuing these most cynical of complaints, all of which were underpinned by racial animosity that her colleagues were terrified even to utter the word “black”.

The reason she was so brazen comes from not only the insidious anti-white culture, which has become one of the trademarks of the new-elites dogma, but also the odious legal apparatus which enshrines racialisation and enforces this new order via the courts.

The Homeland Party would end this farce once and for all by repealing all “Protected characteristics”, putting all people on an equal footing within the legislation and under the law, and restoring the right of freedom of association, a cornerstone of liberty that was stolen from us by our politicians. Our people deserve better.

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