What are the SNP smoking?

Scotland has a severe drug problem; this isn’t news. We have the worst drug death rates in Europe, just deaths, not users. Heaven knows how many users we have, probably tens of thousands in our tiny nation.

And it’s not hard to see why. With the collapse of our national identity, the rise of green policy (mostly involving trans children) and the constant divisive independence nonsense coupled with the destruction of heavy industry, manufacturing and fishing, it’s small wonder that some Scots turn to substance abuse to ward off the despair.

And here comes Humza Yousaf to make it just that little bit worse. Humza, our unelected First Minister, famed for falling off a scooter and hating White people, has decided that the best way to get Scotland’s drug deaths down is to encourage people to take drugs.

Yeah, I couldn’t work this out either. The SNP are looking into setting up “safe consumption” areas. How fantastic, safe places where people taking banned substances can shoot up without fear of arrest and have help standing by should something go wrong.

It would be a brilliant idea if the plan were to get more people hooked. This is only being touted because it’ll be much cheaper than putting treatment and support in place. Many decent people are trapped on these substances, people who just made a small mistake, took a wrong turn, and are now hooked on heroin.

Real support, it just doesn’t exist. Methadone scripts, yeah, we give out plenty of those. But real meaningful care and assistance, help with work, money, and housing, nope, we seem to be lacking in that respect.

So, something needed to change, and the SNP have chosen to worsen the problem. By allowing people to take banned substances openly, they will be encouraging this to take place. No problem is being dealt with here. The can is being kicked down the street. But it’s not a can; it’s a snowball, and it’s getting larger and larger as time passes.

We are essentially giving people a place to go where they are being given the means to stay hooked while networking with other users, and potentially dealers, to keep their drugs coming. And with no threat from the police and no viable alternative, all that will happen is these people will continue to be ravaged by drugs. Humza pats himself on the back for doing the square root of nothing to help them.

And that’s another thing. We already know that our Pakistani First Minister has a massive problem with the Scottish being in the government of Scotland because of their white skin colour. He has shown nothing but contempt for the elites in our society.

Imagine the levels of contempt he has for people at the bottom of the ladder. The pushing forward of this policy should leave people in no doubt about how he feels about the people struggling in Scotland today.

The Homeland Party would not stand for this. We wouldn’t encourage the use of banned substances; we would adequately fund assistance services for those who do want off this poison. A complete overhaul of the rehab process is required, and methadone needs to be phased out.

We would also look into stopping these drugs at the source. After all, the opium doesn’t come from the UK. Any government that cares about its people would take these simple but effective measures. However, we don’t have the option of a government that cares….yet.

Our people deserve better, especially those most in need. They don’t need enablers. They need help. If you are tired of government after government just leaving our people on the scrap heap in ever-increasing numbers, consider joining us at the Homeland Party and helping us continue making a difference.
We either act now and change things.

Or we lose.

It’s your call.

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