
People in Scotland have a shorter life expectancy than anywhere else in Europe.

Public Health Scotland said action was needed quickly as the country’s health continues to deteriorate and the health gap between the rich and poor grows. Scotland’s health is getting worse under the stewardship of the SNP as people die younger than any other Western European country. Paul Johnston, chief executive of Public Health Scotland, called for a

People in Scotland have a shorter life expectancy than anywhere else in Europe. Read More »

Violence by pupils in Scottish schools is being massively under-reported it is claimed

Parents will be “deeply alarmed” by reports suggesting the accurate scale of violence in schools is being under-reported. It has emerged that secondary schools in one council area “don’t report at all”. The revelation backs up longstanding claims by teaching unions that staff are “dissuaded” from reporting violent incidents because of a “culture of fear” instilled by

Violence by pupils in Scottish schools is being massively under-reported it is claimed Read More »

Home Office is in Urgent need of reform, says ex-watchdog Boss.

The Home Office is “dysfunctional” and in desperate need of reform, the sacked borders watchdog David Neal has said in his latest broadside against the Government. Watchdog boss David Neal was removed after he warned that “high-risk” private jet flights were landing in the UK without proper checks. Mr Neal, appointed in 2021 but already due to leave after

Home Office is in Urgent need of reform, says ex-watchdog Boss. Read More »

The Homeland Party Official Statement on the Budget.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt vowed several times to end the reliance on migration for growth “by building a high-wage, high-skill economy” and “not just higher GDP but higher GDP per head.” However, he did not outline any policies that would achieve this. To be clear, migration has always been at the heart of the Tory economic

The Homeland Party Official Statement on the Budget. Read More »

Immigration and borders watchdog sacked for leaking critical reports.

Immigration is a huge problem in the UK, but you don’t need us to tell you that. If you’ve been following our articles and media for a while, you’ll know it’s an issue we take seriously at the Homeland Party. We’ve called out the government numerous times over their disastrous immigration policies and non-existent border

Immigration and borders watchdog sacked for leaking critical reports. Read More »

Children’s education in money matters should start before high school, say teachers.

Most teachers believe children’s financial education should begin in primary school. More than three in four teachers say most pupils leave school without the critical financial skills needed for life, a survey showed. An overwhelming majority of teachers in the UK think children should be taught about money before they start secondary school, the poll for

Children’s education in money matters should start before high school, say teachers. Read More »

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