
Supporting the election of Roger Robertson.

Over the weekend, a group of enthusiastic activists initiated a campaign to support the election of Roger Robertson, an esteemed and well-respected community member, to the Hart District Council. Roger has been serving as a dedicated community bus driver and a parish councillor for many years, tirelessly advocating for preserving the area’s rich heritage and

Supporting the election of Roger Robertson. Read More »

Newly elected Labour MP Gen Kitchen called for Open Borders.

The Labour candidate who won the Wellingborough by-election once called for a second Brexit referendum and open borders. Genevieve Kitchen signed a letter in which she also called for a nuclear weapons ban, according to reports by The Sun. A Labour spokesman told The Sun that the letter was five years old and that Ms Kitchen now

Newly elected Labour MP Gen Kitchen called for Open Borders. Read More »

Party registration – myths, lies, and home truths.

How do you get registered? The short answer is: don’t lie. Obey the law. That’s it; the case is closed! But if you want to learn about how it works and the traps fools walk into, read on, and I’ll give you my uncensored opinion at the end. The law states that the Electoral Commission

Party registration – myths, lies, and home truths. Read More »

Corbyn is rumoured to be looking at creating a new political party party.

It has been rumoured that former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is mulling over a move to start a new political party in the next few weeks. The 74-year-old, if he did start a new party, could poach voters who are dissatisfied with the current direction of the Labour Party. There would certainly be space

Corbyn is rumoured to be looking at creating a new political party party. Read More »

Woes Mount for an under-pressure Sunak as he faces another By-Election

Sunak faces fresh by-election misery this week, with the House of Commons poised to approve a six-week suspension for ex-minister Peter Bone. MPs are expected to wave through a motion to see the former deputy leader of the Commons face a recall petition in his constituency. The move comes less than a week after the Conservatives

Woes Mount for an under-pressure Sunak as he faces another By-Election Read More »

ANALYSIS: Doom-mongers are wrong about by-elections and community politics

On Thursday the 20th June 2023, voters took to the polls in 3 separate by-elections around the country, triggered by the resignation of Boris Johnson and his political allies in Parliament. Predictably, a smattering of anti-establishment parties took to the polls excitedly and, even more predictably, were slaughtered. Next came the “I told you so”

ANALYSIS: Doom-mongers are wrong about by-elections and community politics Read More »

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