Social worker blacklisted for ‘risk of misgendering’

Louise Chivers, a social worker with 25 years’ experience, is under investigation after a manager at Leicestershire County Council suggested there was a risk she ‘might misgender someone’. As the investigation is ongoing, she is unable to apply for any more jobs within social services.

The trouble started during a training day when Chivers described transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, of Bud Light fame, as ‘a skinny gay man with no t*ts’, whilst also accusing the TikTok star of being a ‘misogynist who mocks women’.

‘On this particular occasion, we had been discussing gender-neutral toilets, and I said I wasn’t comfortable using them because statistics show women are eight times more likely to be raped in one’, Chivers told The Telegraph.

‘I said I would struggle to buy Nike clothes any more because I didn’t agree with Dylan Mulvaney advertising sports bras because I thought it made a mockery of women’.

Steady, you’re treading on thin ice, here, Louise! Remember, fragile feelings don’t care about statistics or autonomous thinking.

Chivers added: ‘I do have to bite my tongue in a lot of these training sessions, I once attended an “Alphabet Soup” session run by Cambridgeshire County Council when a member of staff expressed concerns about people misgendering dogs.

‘It is getting ridiculous. None of this improves the social work we do. Like a lot of people, I’m fed up with this obsession about gender ideology and just want to get on with my job’.

Of course, Louise just wants to get on with her job. She’s clearly dedicated, having survived 25 years in what is widely regarded as being a very challenging profession. Does her experience, skills and commitment mean anything to the Government? Apparently not.

So, what does matter to the Government? Clearly not the well-being of those vulnerable families served by Louise. There again, this should come as no surprise, as the Government’s policy of mass-immigration and attacks on freedom of expression show the utter contempt they have for those they exist to serve.

People like Louise Chivers both terrify and infuriate the Government in equal measure. She sees through the madness of gender ideology and isn’t afraid to call out the ridiculousness of it all. In other words, she shares the same views as the majority but isn’t willing to sit back and take it. Even as she apparently risks losing her job for something she might do (how dystopian is that, by the way?), she isn’t backing down or apologising. People like this are a real thorn in the Government’s side.

We wish Louise all the best and hope that she will be reinstated to the profession she clearly cares so much about. Like the Homeland Party, she rejects the obsession with these vacuous leftist dogmas. We believe they exist simply to cause division within society, and it would hold no place in our vision for the United Kingdom.

Louise acts as an inspiration to all of us who see identity politics as the parasite it really is. While we certainly don’t condone personal attacks or bullying of any kind, the British people need to stand up and reject this madness whenever it encroaches our lives, which it will continue to do so as long as we let it.

In the case of Louise, it is becoming more obvious that the abstract rights of some are more important than the concrete lives of others. Is this way of thinking going to serve institutions like social services and the NHS?

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