Scottish court shambles

So, in Scotland, as most people will know, we have a shambles of a government. We have an ongoing police investigation into finances, a whole round of arrests and questions and a first minister more known for falling off a scooter in a corridor and making an arse of himself than for making any policies to get the SNP out of the hole they’re in. We have a government that can’t tell us why a trans woman can’t be housed in a women’s prison, hotels being used to house men of unknown origins and embassies in other nations for some odd reason.

So, it can’t get much worse, can it? The clown show surely can’t keep going on? Well folks, this is Scotland under the internationalists. There is a low point, just what seems like a forever fall from a very high cliff. Latest in the long list of eye rolls for us jocks is the current extradition trail of Nicholas Rossi. Rossi is fighting his return to the US where he faces charges of rape in Ohio. His defence? He claims he isn’t Nicholas Rossi but Arthur Knight, an Irish orphan. Let’s dig a little deeper, shall we?

Mr Rossi was born Nicholas Alahverdian in Rhode Island, USA, near New York state. He was previously convicted in 2008 of sexual assault on a college campus in Ohio. This conviction means that the US authorities have his DNA and finger prints on record. With this information, authorities in the states have linked him to 2 rapes in Ohio. Other potential victims in Ohio and Rhode Island have spoken out as well. Police in Utah have questions waiting for him about 2 allegations of rape and assault as well. He is also wanted by the FBI for defrauding his foster parents. Essex police are even looking to investigate him regarding rape in the UK. Pattern recognition should kick in for a lot of people around this point if his photo didn’t already give you red flags.

Rossi appears to have arrived in the UK in 2017 and gone under several different names. In 2020, Nicholas Rossi died of non-Hogkins lymphoma; it appears he even posted an obituary to his own website, as you do when you are dead. He circulated rumours in 2019 that he was dying of cancer and didn’t have long to live. Yet he wouldn’t see anyone during this period, leading to suspicion over what was really going on.

“Arthur Knight” was picked up by Interpol while he was in hospital in Glasgow for Covid. They confirmed his real identity when they compared his mugshots from his previous arrest to the patient they found in hospital. Specifically, the extensive tattoos on his upper arms.

So, the extradition trail is a bit of a joke. Why are we bothering wasting time and money for something so obvious? We are treated to the ridiculous sight of Rossi in a wheel chair going to court and doctors say there is absolutely no reason for this. Rossi also claims to be unable to raise his arms, then raises them twice in a session. This man is clearly a liar, definitely a sexual offender and probably someone who needs to be fully tried for all crimes he is suspected of committing against women and locked away for many years.

However, in the current system we have today, EVERYONE gets a fair shout in court. Even people who obviously lie in court. When people are obviously lying about their identity, we have to waste time and money to prove the obvious. The US authorities have his DNA, prints and mugshots of him with his tattoos; if that all ties in, case closed and see you later.

But we would prefer in Scotland to keep wasting public money and time for nonsense like this. Yes, he is innocent until proven guilty, but they can prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is Mr Rossi and not Arthur Knight in about 2 seconds.

So, why don’t they?

Our courts are becoming more of a joke every day. Harsh sentences handed down for naughty words, trans rapists put in female prisons and then moved to a male one but we can’t say why. We have plenty of “Asian grooming gang” stuff flying under the radar in Glasgow because the authorities here fear a backlash. But this trial gets media attention and lasts more than the 5 minutes it needs to.

A real party in power would streamline the court system, re-prioritise resources for the police and legal system and get daft cases like this pushed through much more efficiently. There would be no backlog, resources wouldn’t be wasted and real victims would get their day in court. Their stories would be reported instead of us having to wade through Mr Rossi’s endless lies.

And one day, that real party will take power.

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