Wednesday 31st January 2024
The Homeland Party is returning politics to the bedrock foundations of nation and community. Our focus is on ensuring that political decisions are made to promote our people’s well-being rather than individual interests or ideological agendas. That is the core of Nationalism, the most natural form of politics.
Founded on 8th May 2023 and registered 31st January 2024, The Homeland Party is dedicated to bringing about democratic change, which is often obstructed by the old gang parties; we will never shy away from enacting the will of the people. We are proud to be the first party in the country to call for a binding referendum on immigration, an idea that is gaining traction across Europe. We are calling for proportional representation and for more power to be devolved to a local level.
Our plans are centred around the needs of the people we serve. From community care to the environment, economy, and much-needed political reform, the Homeland Party will work tirelessly to build a future for our children rooted in fairness and justice.
Unlike any Nationalist movement before, the Homeland Party takes a pioneering approach by commencing its journey at the grassroots level – beginning with local councils and radiating outward – a testament to its commitment to prioritising our nation and its people, giving a voice to the silent and forgotten majority.
This pragmatic approach sets the Homeland Party apart, signalling a departure from those who climb the greasy pole of ambition or set the unachievable goal of winning parliamentary seats without the local support to back them up.
“At the Homeland Party, our mission is clear: to put our people first and bring back sensible Nationalism through community politics. It is our intention to re-engage people back into the political process by giving a voice back to people who are alienated and abandoned by the establishment.”
– Kenny Smith, Party Chairman
The Homeland Party invites all those who share this vision for a nation-focused, community-oriented, and rational Nationalist agenda to join us as we strive for a better future. This movement is not just a political change but a promise to revitalise communities and protect the unique identity of the peoples of these islands.
Key People:
Kenny Smith, our Party Chairman, is a staunch advocate for the indigenous people of these islands. With a 30-year background in community politics, he is well-known for guiding people toward sensible Nationalism.
Jerome O’Reilly, our Treasurer, holds an economics degree from the University of Bath. Known for his honesty and commitment to transparency, he brings much-needed financial oversight to Nationalism and politics in general. He fearlessly confronts political opposition.
Cllr Ant Burrows, our Nominating Officer and the first parish councillor for the Party, is an environmentalist focusing on countryside affairs. Advocating for localism and equality before the law, he is willing to fight in court and has already overseen the appointment of 7 councillors in the first 5 months.
Our Thinking:
You can learn more about what our Party stands for by reading our policies.
Nationalism Explained gives a complete understanding of our worldview, with a detailed Q&A that dispels the common misconceptions.
Community Politics – The route we must take explains our approach to electoral politics.
We hold ourselves to high standards and will respond to any questions that you may have. We kindly request that if you receive any comment from a third party you give us the opportunity to respond to said comment before it goes to print. If you would like to contact us, please use our contact page on our website or send us an email at [email protected].