Huw Edwards named in BBC scandal

The news presenter at the centre of a recent sleaze scandal at the BBC has been revealed to be Huw Edwards. Vicky Flind, the wife of the news reader, named him as the BBC presenter facing allegations in a statement issued on his behalf.

The news comes as the BBC also reported the presenter was facing “yet more allegations of inappropriate behaviour” towards his colleagues at the corporation.

In an amazing turn of events, the story has been flipped on its head. As we were all poised to condemn the next creepy public figure, the revelations that it was Edwards have put somewhat of a spanner in the works, especially after the Metropolitan Police revealed there was no information to indicate that a criminal offence had been committed.

Everyone was gearing up to tear proverbial lumps out the man: “here is the next Schofield case”, “the next pervy politician story”, “lets get ready to get stuck in…” But no. What we have now is an outpouring of sympathy for Mr Edwards.

His former colleague, Isabel Webster, wrote “people need to choose compassion over righteous indignation.” She later commented “Huw Edwards is one of the finest broadcasters in this country and like all public figures is entitled to a private life.”

In Flind’s statement, she said her husband was “suffering from serious mental health issues” and is now “receiving in-patient hospital care where he will stay for the foreseeable future,” as she asked for privacy for her family.

BBC presenter John Simpson said: “I feel so sorry for everyone involved in this: for the Edwards family, for the complainants, and for Huw himself. No criminal offences were committed, so it’s a purely personal tragedy for everyone involved. Let’s hope the press leave them all alone now.”

So people jumped the gun, the Twitter trolls unleashed their venom, journalists sat poised ready to throw one of their own under the bus, politicians sat with prepared statements ready to condemn the actions of a man who was alleged to have acted like some of their colleagues.

So, is that the end of this tale? Nope, you wait!

Next, this this will be discussed in parliament. The disgusting treatment and harassment of Huw Edwards is just what the media and political elites needed; a genuine heartbreaking story as one of their own has been hounded to a nervous breakdown and boy, they’ll not let us forget it.

The “Huw Edwards incident” will be used as evidence for the need of an online harms bill. Next time you are sharpening your metaphorical knives to have a go at the next bottom pinching MP, sex fiend cop or TV presenter with a thing of men a third of his age, you’ll be told to be quiet.

“Remember what happened to Huw Edwards,” they’ll snap as they reprimand you.

Don’t believe it? Just make a mental note of this: next time there’s an Annecy style attack or a Nottingham or Manchester arena, see how many days it takes for the media to bring up Stephen Lawrence’s name. It’s the same thing here.

If Mr Edwards has indeed had a nervous breakdown and is innocent in every way, then the Homeland Party wish him and his family the best.

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