Freedom!!! (within the EU)

The call of Mel Gibson, “They’ll never take our freedom!” The Independence lot ran with this sort of thing for years, cringing and desperately. And this past weekend, Saturday the 2nd of September, they broke out the next level of cringe, a Believe in Scotland march in Edinburgh—a day of photos, speeches, and all manner of “Yes “nonsense.

The posters they’ve been using for this are a bit of a mess, but it’s self-evident where all this is going. They want back in the EU. The poster has the EU stars and the laughable tagline of “for an independent Scotland in the EU.” Perhaps this is the most ridiculous thing you will hear from these cretins.

Now, I’m not going to suggest that Westminster is any amazing governing body to be run by. Sunak and the previous Tory leaders have done nothing but try to destroy the very fabric of our nation. They’ve been big on LGBT stuff, they struggle to tell anyone what a woman is, they haven’t stopped the trans things in schools, and they’ve let in untold hundreds of thousands of illegals; weirdly, the SNP lot aren’t big Tory fans.

So, I can’t fully understand why they have a massive issue with Westminster. Of course, other than the 1966 World Cup, that’s still a thing. But there’s not much difference between being ruled over by the EU and by people who desperately want us back in the EU, who never wanted us out. But somehow, this doesn’t translate with the Scottish SNP types.

There is a disconnect here between them and reality. They see the Tories as a right-wing menace who hates the EU, migrants, diversity, the LGBT, etc. None of that is true.

And the EU is the same. There’s no massive difference between the EU, the Tories, SNP, Greens, Labour, Lib Dems etc. They all take pretty much the same progressive approach to the central issues. So, this need to be free from Westminster while carrying on with the same plans as Westminster is just nonsense. The only thing it does, the reason it’s used, is that it galvanises the troops.

Even though it makes no sense, it taps into that hatred for the English that the SNP have fermented for so long. Because you know, Sunak, Braverman, Priti Patel, Sajid Javid, Kwasi, they’re all ethnically English, right?

The next thing I don’t understand is that if the target is independence, why is there a need for any oversight from a governing body? There is this big idea up here that “Scotland can go it alone,” but that’s never been shown; it’s never something that’s pushed. The independence is always caveated with a return to the EU. It’s either a weakness or a fear, but no SNP voter seems to have an issue with this either.

Getting back to the big march on Saturday, Lorna Slater of the Green Party said that Scotland being in the EU would make it easier for migration into Scotland. Great, that’s all we need. It’s odd that in times of Green everything, the Green party would advocate getting MORE people into Scotland. More people means more housing, more food needed, more waste, more transport, more everything. And let’s not forget heating. These new arrivals will not be used to our cold summers, let alone winters. That’s a lot of heat pumps.

Another nugget from this woman was, “Scotland’s businesses are crying out for labour. We want people to come here and to be able to work and bring their skills and abilities to Scotland.” They NEVER seem to want to push our people into the labour market, equip them with skills and treat them as the vital organs of Scotland they are. No, they want to bring in people from everywhere except here. And this is from the Green Party, an environmental party that fundamentally rejects natural law.

It’s a small wonder that kids these days mess around, cause problems, burn, break, etc. Their leaders have cast them aside. The preference is for cheap foreign labour, not the standard of living for our people. To be ruled over by Europe and the ECB rather than by ourselves. To bring in everyone and pretend they are ethnically Scottish, This behaviour must stop. We cannot allow our youth’s identity to be reduced to a commodity easily accessible to anyone. How often do we hear, “the NHS would collapse without foreign doctors,” Again, these people are putting other people before our own. This is why so many people are just disengaged.

So when they say they “Believe in Scotland,” I can’t see how it makes sense or benefits us as a people. I can’t see how they believe in Scotland when their plans require almost everyone else to get involved. The people they have running this stuff, they’re the most anti-White people in this nation; they hate ethnic Scots, they hate our ancestry and heritage, and they hate our culture. They hate Scotland as it is; this notion of an independent Scotland should be termed a New Province of the EU. It bears no resemblance to what I and many others call Scotland.

Scotland is home to the ethnic Scots, who have a rich and diverse cultural heritage and deep roots in the stunning hills and mountains surrounding them. We hold the Scots in high esteem, recognising the centuries of history, customs, and traditions that have shaped their unique identity.

Our efforts honour the past and ensure that the legacy of the Scots endures for generations, inspiring us all to appreciate and celebrate our cultural heritage. The presence and contribution of the Scottish people are integral to the existence and identity of the Scottish state. From the ancient Picts and Gaels to the modern Scottish society, the Scots have played a vital role in shaping Scotland’s land, language, and people.

Without a unifying national identity and purpose, our society is vulnerable to divisive politics and competing ideologies. Our increasing fragmentation and polarisation undermine the very foundations of democracy, risking the loss of fundamental values and principles that bind us. This creates a society where groups constantly struggle for power and influence, with little hope of finding common ground to address shared challenges. A robust and shared identity is necessary for our democracy to provide the stability and security citizens depend upon.

The current state of affairs is such that we find ourselves catering to the demands of large multinational conglomerates and supranational bodies at the expense of our autonomy and self-determination. This has created a situation where our ability to chart our course and make decisions that benefit our interests has been severely compromised. The power and influence of these conglomerates and supranational bodies have grown to such an extent that they can exert significant control over our economic, political, and social systems. This has raised serious questions about our ability to protect our sovereignty and the long-term consequences of this trend for our society and future generations.

But this is our Homeland. And we deserve better.

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