
Leafleting in Ayr

Leafleting in Ayr

On Sunday 19th November three Homeland activists took part in a leafleting session in the former royal burgh of Ayr in Scotland. The birthplace of one of Scotland’s most famous sons, poet Robert Burns, is fast becoming a stronghold for the Homeland Party with a number of new recruits joining us from this and the

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Survey result leaflet delivered in Buxton

Homeland Party activists were out leafleting in Buxton today, where our recent survey found 76% of residents didn’t want migrants housed in their town and 79% want less migration overall. The people of Buxton have a right to decide what happens in their town, and they’ve made it clear that they don’t want migrants housed

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A new councillor in the North East of Scotland

The Homeland Party is pleased to announce a new councillor in the North East of Scotland, bringing our total to 6. In an ever changing world, our people need political representation to protect our collective interests and our homeland. Becoming leaders in our communities is the first step to taking back power in our country

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