Homeland in The Herald

Today, The Herald newspaper’s main writer Neil Mackay devoted four whole pages to a feature piece on the formation of our Homeland Party.

While it was filled with many inaccuracies – which we won’t correct, as you should never interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes – it is worth me making comment on a few points.

The language in the report is much more measured than we have seen in recent times when reports are being made on Nationalists. One area that our Party will be strong on is challenging the mainstream media when they smear us with the labels that are beyond the pale. Indeed, today a formal complaint has been lodged with the Daily Record over the use of descriptive slurs in their last article about us.

As usual, the state-sponsored organisation I refer to as Dupes of Hate were writ large throughout the pages. It will come as no surprise to anybody involved with our Party, but the report suggested that people who are productive members of society are active in Homeland. Imagine that! A Party promoting positivity in communities as well as in the wider nationalist movement is filled with people that exemplify what it means to be an upstanding Nationalist.

These scoundrels who want to smash the world our forefathers built and replace it with a modern monstrosity that will resemble nothing pure and good are aghast at the fact that representatives of Homeland could be stood next to them and they would never even know.

Nationalists are in community councils, they exit mainstream parties despite having being officers and candidates for them in the past, and they do important jobs across the country with all manner of organisations and companies.

What we need going forward is for more Nationalists to realise that they are a cut above these progressive liberals and to start to push themselves into positions of authority in communities and workplaces. If the haters and liars are spitting feathers now, imagine how they’ll froth at the mouth when we start to take control of aspects of life that have in recent times being left solely to these culture-destroyers.

There are folk already in Homeland who can tell you how they have made a positive impact for their neighbourhood by taking a role or position in a community organisation or at their workplace.

There are some worm-tongued charlatans who will tell you that community politics is just about electoral politics and that Homeland Party are only interested in fighting elections. This is a blatant lie.

Community politics has actually got very little to do with the fighting of elections. It’s about having a positive impact in your local community and providing that community with local leaders who will stand up for them. If done correctly, these local leaders may then become the elected representatives of that community.

Homeland is focused on community politics and aims to provide support and guidance to all who wish to stand up for their community. Homeland will only be contesting local authority wards in places where our candidate has put the effort in well before the election period.

We will also be encouraging and promoting many forms of recreational activity for Party Members and supporters in the same way that our organisational team have being doing across the country for several years now before the formation of Homeland.

Today, Simon Crane and other Homeland activists continued their important work in Erskine supporting the local community and it was nice to see The Herald advertise the demo. There is an article elsewhere on the website showing our awesome new Homeland banners and the brilliant t-shirts the local community produced. Si and the team looked very smart in their new attire, which made the scruffy left-wing mob look even more dishevelled than usual.

With fantastic folk like Si Crane and others across the UK working hard in local communities we are confident Homeland Party will be successful in our aims. If you share our vision, get in touch and help make a positive impact in your community.

Kenny Smith

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