If you don’t believe in liberalism, then you are an extremist.

A recently disclosed confidential document to the public reveals that the UK Government has put forward a controversial plan that involves categorising individuals with non-liberal beliefs as extremists. The proposed initiative is being promoted under the guise of advancing British Values.

In the United Kingdom, the political system is being set up in a way that will result in a de facto one-party state. While elections occur, critics point out that the limited choice between progressive conservatism or progressive liberalism leaves little room for true diversity of political thought. Additionally, the electoral commission has been accused of restricting the participation of smaller parties in elections, effectively stifling opposition to progressivism. This Proposed legislation could further limit political diversity and ultimately lead to two main parties who would only have to merge to complete the process.

The theory of liberalism, a cornerstone of modern political thought, is based on the premise that humans can be moulded into one homogenous whole, regardless of their diverse backgrounds. However, this idea overlooks the complex realities of human nature and the natural order. According to this theory, individuals are born with an empty mind devoid of any built-in mental content, and all knowledge is acquired through later perceptions or sensory experiences.

The expectation that large numbers of diverse people can be imported into a country and expected to blend into a single entity through either magic or conditioning by the state is not only naive but also misguided. It either stems from complete ignorance of the natural order or a deliberate attempt by despots to take advantage of division.

The theory of liberalism needs to be re-evaluated in light of the complexities of human nature and the natural order. The idea that individuals can be moulded into a single homogenous whole is unrealistic and undesirable. We need to embrace diversity and recognise the value that it brings to our world. Only then can we build genuinely just and equitable nation-states that benefit and protect the self-determination of all peoples.

The government is becoming increasingly aware of its contradictions as we move forward. On one hand, it urges us to respect the values, beliefs, and ideas of others and to avoid imposing our own beliefs on them. On the other hand, it proposes using the law to enforce liberal values. It is important to note that these values are not inherently British. The uncomfortable truth is that liberal values have led us to the current situation where the conflict between Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East is being played out on the streets of London.

Throughout history, those in power have often sought to accumulate wealth and maintain their hold. This has led to the oppression of the masses and the promotion of their agendas. Despite the noble intentions of some, using the state to enforce liberal values can be seen as a contradiction to the principle of individual liberty. Ultimately, the struggle for power and control has been a recurring theme. Branding individuals without power as extremists is a despicable act by failed elites who blame others for their inadequacies.

The government should consider the essential principle of democracy, that is, the process of relinquishing power peacefully and avoiding being remembered as another failed ideology that couldn’t stand the test of time. The government’s approach to governance is based solely on mechanistic thinking, which goes against the essence of human existence and experience. Its actions have disrupted the daily lives of its people and attempted to suppress their emotions, which is an integral part of their being. By enforcing laws that outlaw emotions such as ‘hate’, the government has created a society where people are no longer allowed to express themselves freely, and the law is used to suppress any form of dissent.

Despite the government’s attempts at inclusivity through its advertisements and speeches, the people have a growing sense of discord. National cohesion requires more than empty rhetoric and propaganda; it requires a government that listens to its people and understands their needs. The government must start by acknowledging the problems it has created and work with its citizens to find a better way forward.

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