Voters in Ireland resoundingly reject changes to the country’s Constitution.

Ireland has voted to reject Government proposals to change the Constitution, which would have widened the definition of family to include families not based on marriage.

The proposal would have expanded marriage to include ‘durable relationships’ such as cohabiting couples, but it was rejected by 67.7%.

The public also rejected a proposal that would have changed the language about a mother’s ‘duty in the home’ with a clause to recognise the care provided by family members to one another. But this was also overwhelmingly defeated, with 73% voting against it.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said the electorate had given the Government’ two wallops’ as he conceded early on Saturday that the change proposals had been rejected.

He held the referendum vote on Friday to coincide with International Women’s Day and said it was the chance to delete some ‘very old-fashioned, very sexist language about women’.

His government had previously told citizens to refrain from taking steps ‘backward’ by keeping the Constitution.

But in a humiliating defeat, the Irish premier said it was clear that the referendum to change the Constitution in Ireland had been ‘defeated comprehensively’.

Opinion polling had shown that Yes was in the lead as the vote approached, but undecided voters are thought to have changed the balance.

The result shocked all of the major parties in Ireland as they all supported a Yes-Yes vote until recently.

No campaigners successfully argued that the definition of a ‘durable relationship’ was fuzzy and mothers had been ‘cancelled’ out of the Constitution.

As the core legal text of the Nation, the Constitution can only be changed through a national referendum.

This latest Irish referendum comes with several other votes in recent years, including the legalisation of divorce in 1995, the approval of same-sex marriage in 2015 and the repealing of the ban on abortion in 2018.

The Irish elite thought this would be an easy win, especially after the two previous referendums they won so easily, so this must have come as an earth-shattering blow to them. Mainstream Political parties in Ireland, much like parties here, claim to be in touch with the thoughts and wants of the general public, but this shows exactly how out of touch they are.

Angela Eagle, the Labour MP, recently tweeted a wish list of pro-trans laws designed to complete a sexual revolution that, confusingly, appears to be permanent. Conversion therapy ban, modernised gender recognition, an LGBT envoy to go out into the Nation and make sure everyone is fully signed up to this agenda of hers. Whether Stammer is fully onboard with Ms Eagles’ plans, we do not as yet know, but given his previous confusion over men, women and penises, there is a good chance that he is looking favourably on at least a good part of her agenda,

Given the Irish referendum result, maybe Labour should take note. It appears that the general public may not be as fully committed to Politicians’ “woke” dreams for the future of our Nation as the deluded politicians believe.

The Labour Party, like their “woke” friends across the water, that there is a shock ahead for them if they try to push what they see as a “progressive” agenda on the British people.

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