Tories tough on illegal immigration… again

Whenever the Conservative Party starts talking ‘tough’ on illegal immigration, you know they’re in damage control mode. They were decimated in the recent local elections due to a myriad of failed policies and now they’re resorting to their tried and tested ploy of appealing to the public’s ever-growing frustration towards the immigration crisis.

Under new rules announced by the Government, fines for businesses and landlords who knowingly support illegal migrants are set to triple, with firms found to have repeatedly employed illegal migrants facing up to £60,000 per breach. Meanwhile, landlords will have fines hiked from £80 per lodger and £1,000 per occupier for a first breach to up to £5,000 per lodger and £10,000 per occupier.

These reforms come as Rishi Sunak pledges to make tackling illegal migration one of the five key priorities of his government going forward.

Don’t be deceived. One area the Tories have traditionally bested their rivals, Labour, is in appealing to the public’s sentiments. Whereas Labour happily wear their bonkers policies on their sleeve for all to see, the Tories take a much more insidious approach. They are craftsmen of manipulation, having a better understanding of human nature and knowing how to ride waves of public opinion to gather enough support to prolong their tenure in power. Just as a magician draws his audience’s attention to one hand to distract them from the other, the Tories tell us what we want to hear while doing the exact opposite.

Here are some important facts to ponder over:

  • Immigration, both ‘illegal’ and ‘legal’, is currently the worst it’s ever been.
  • The current Conservative administration have allowed more migrants to enter during their tenure than any previous government’s tenure.
  • The Home Office currently spends in the region of £8 million a day to house and feed undocumented migrants, under the guise of asylum.
  • The government would seemingly be in breach of its own rules regarding illegal tenancy, at least in spirit.

So, this whole story is a nothing burger. It is simply the Tories doing what the Tories do best: lying to our faces about being tough on illegal immigration when they secretly intend to let it go full steam ahead. If they were serious about tackling this issue, they would be preventing the illegal migrants from entering the country in the first place. Instead, under the Sunak’s new rules, up to £6 billion of the taxpayer’s money could be spent on detention and removal.

The icing on the cake is that, in a particularly devilish move, it may end up being unsuspecting business owners who pay the price for the Government’s criminality. While there certainly are employers who knowingly take on illegal migrants and who fully deserve the weight of the law thrown at them, fake identification has become so sophisticated that there is a real possibility of accidental employment of an illegal migrant, despite the usual background checks.

Lastly, if you still need more convincing of how meaningless the Tories plans are, the UN human rights chief, Volker Turk, and the UN refugees head, Filippo Grandi, are fully opposed to them, saying the bill ‘will have profound consequences for people in need of international protection’. This conveniently sets up the plans to be rejected in the UN Court of Human Rights, assuming they even make it past the UK’s Court of Appeal. The Tories can then turn to us and say, ‘Well, we tried’.

The question is, will the British public finally see through this façade, or will they continue to fixate on the magician’s one hand?

At this point, the Homeland Party believes that the difference between illegal and legal migration is a moot point. The Government can decide at whim the legality of any particular migrant, regardless of the means of entering the country, and this is why we are opposed to all immigration. There are simply too many people in this country, which is a leading cause of high living costs and housing shortages.

Labour has, and always will, openly allow immigration. The Tories have, and always will, stealthily allow immigration. We would put an end to it.

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