They just want equal rights…

That’s what they tell us. That’s why they have marches and a month dedicated to rainbow flags. They just want equal rights. Apparently there are some rights I have as a straight man that they don’t have. I’m not sure what they are, neither are they. It’s usually nebulous concepts like the right to walk down the street and not be laughed at or the right to kiss a man in public without people turning away. You know, the really important things.

But still, they claim it’s all about equal rights. But is it really? Well, in a word, no. It is far from it. It’s about having more rights than me. It’s about having more rights over the general population and the right to use these new rights against the general population. That’s what this is all really about. It’s not about peace and love and tolerance, it’s a war. A war that they want to start against anyone who dares to have a different opinion. They’re like the United States in the 20th century and we are all countries in South America and Africa minding our own business. Sceptical? Let’s look at a nice example shall we?

A trans pride march on Saturday the 8th of July (pride month finished in June) in London had a rather interesting speaker present. By interesting, I mean a convicted criminal and judging by her words, a bit of a psycho.

Trans activist Sarah Baker, who did a 30 year stretch for kidnap and attempted murder of her step mother’s brother, addressed the crowd, clutching an Antifa flag and spoke of her anger regarding TERFs (feminists who think a man in a dress is still a man) She said that if the people at the march see a TERF they should “punch them in the f**king face.” I mean, that’s pretty cut and dry isn’t it? This is a call for violence from a woman with a history of violence.

And, of course, the group organising this march defended this call to attack normal people. Apparently the speaker held “a lot of rage” which they “have the right to express.” Do they now? Because I’m pretty sure, although I’m no expert, if you call for violence against any LBGT in a speech at a march in London, you’d be facing hate crime charges at the very least. More likely you’d be up for incitement to harm / cause distress. But if you are a trans supporter who attempted to murder someone else while they were in jail for attempted murder, then it’s justified. They even went as far to say that they “condone righteous anger.” Obviously, this only applies if they are the one’s deciding what is righteous because this is clown world.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, has come out in support of the trans community and the march in London but has said in a statement that “violence is never acceptable”. So, he isn’t all bad.

Karen Varley of the Conservatives for Women group was appalled by the speech. However, she seems to be a bit clueless as to how all this works. She said, “we look forward to hearing condemnation of this from the Mayor of London and the MET Police who have been influenced by lobby groups like Stonewall…” That’s just it Karen, they are not going to condemn anything, they’re influenced by Stonewall, you said so yourself. And if they do condemn it, you know and everyone else knows, it’s merely words, lies pushed out to placate the ordinary people. We know there is no truth behind those words of condemnation.

And that’s where the problem lies; normal people like Karen don’t realise that this is a battle, and we are all involved. You can’t bury your head and hope they leave you alone. You can’t have the mindset of “if I’m nice to them and just leave them alone, they will leave me alone”. No, they won’t. People who are against this sort of thing seem unable to actually push back and start demanding the police and government to step in. There seems to be a hope that there’s a middle ground that can be reached. There isn’t. They want you jumping through every hoop they can imagine. They want you policing your own language and terrified of making a mistake. They want you on your knees using ridiculous pronouns and they want the full fury of the law brought down on you if you get it wrong. And after all that, they still want to physically harm you for having a different opinion.

These people cannot be reasoned with.

There’s a scene in the original Terminator film where Kyle Reese says of the Terminator something along the lines of, “it doesn’t feel pain, pity or remorse and it absolutely will not stop”. That’s what these people are like. Violent machines with little humanity. They want change and they will not stop. The people pushing for change will always win against those who just want to be left alone.

The Homeland Party stands against this constant LGBT incursion into our lives and the lives of our children. We will stand up for the rights of our people so that we are ALL treated fairly and ensure that selected groups are not given preferential treatment above the straight White majority who call these lands Home.

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