The riots in France

We have all seen on the news recently the rioting, looting and carnage in France that has been caused by the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk by a police officer after a failed traffic stop. Nahel M, as the media insist on calling him, was of north African descent with his ethnicity being seen as the key issue in this killing or murder depending on who you ask.

Rumours have circulated that Mr Merzouk was some sort of criminal but the general consensus seems to be he was a good lad who never hurt anyone and didn’t do anything wrong.

So, let us mourn the deceased taken at such a young age, see the culprit punished, have a candlelit vigil, perhaps a memorial and carry on, safe in the knowledge that justice will be done and perhaps laws will be altered to stop these things happening. Just like the other week in Nottingham and Annecy.

Did that happen? Of course not! That’s what happens when the victims are white and the killer isn’t.

What we have seen is nearly a week of rioting with cars and buildings being set on fire, shops looted and ransacked, and instead of candles being lit, it was petrol bombs. No one was singing “Don’t Look Back in Anger” like we did after the Manchester Arena bombing.

The truth is, Nahel’s death was the excuse certain sections of French society needed to justify the violence. A white on non-white killing like this was all it needed. Certain groups of people from ethnic minority backgrounds have for the last decade listened as western liberals have told them they are oppressed and that anything that doesn’t go in their favour is some “ist”, “ic” or “ism.” How is stealing motorbikes, fancy clothes and domestic appliances whilst setting fire to the town you live in fighting police brutality and racism? It doesn’t. These rioters and looters don’t care at all for Nahel Merzouk, whose family, incidentally, should be applauded for condemning the violence. It’s just an excuse to tear the place down, steal something and perhaps beat someone up.

Some of you reading this probably think this can’t be so but here’s the thing: they think they are justified. They think the owners of the shops, cars and other things that have been destroyed – not to mention people that were killed – deserved it.

They think this because Western liberals have told them so.

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