The floor is lava

The floor is lava: that seems to be what the news and government wants you to think. They are essentially spinning the yarn that all of southern Europe is some blistering inferno of doom, where people melt into the pavements if they dare leave the house for two minutes. And these stories are relentless, make no mistake, this is what they want us to be focussed on now, climate change.

Now, anyone who doesn’t drink MSM Kool Aid is well aware the climate changes and it’s not a fixed system. Not every January the 17th is the exact same temperature, not every summer has constant BBQ weather, not every spring is warm, some winters have less snow than others, it all varies. But if you were to listen to modern media, you’d think there was some runaway heating up of Europe that’s going to result in all our deaths, such is the rhetoric.

First off, we should look at how the weather is reported these days. Back in the 90s (ah, memories) we had a nice green map of the UK and little yellow suns with the temperature written in them in degrees Celsius. If it was particularly hot, we got an orange sun. This wasn’t something to fear or hide from, it was good weather and celebrated. Nowadays we have a deep burnt red to show the same temperatures. If its 30 degrees in London, expect the south of England to be coloured in scorched earth red on the weather map. This is all just programming. Its more fear pumped into the population via the telly, like COVID.

Another thing we are getting this year is ridiculous stories coming in from people abroad about how hot it is. For instance, published a story from an Irish expat who said it was 50 degrees Celsius out in Gran Canaria… in a week where official figures show the hottest temperature all July was 33 degrees, which is about average for them. This story has since been removed because people were quick to call out this nonsense, but if they hadn’t, these lies would still be on their pages.

The other fear mongering attack comes from the wild fires we are getting in Europe. These are supposedly a sign of the change in climate. In fact, some have said these are a direct result of climate change. Which is odd because reports seem to suggest a lot of these fires are the result of arson. You have to remember, the green agenda up here in Scotland has seen us cut down 14 million trees in order to put wind farms up, so its well within the realms of possibility that the Just Stop Oil types are responsible. It was the same in Australia a little while back: massive forest fires, started by humans, blamed on climate change until it was shown it was people. This shows how disingenuous these climate nuts are. They will always point the finger of blame at you for living your life before any evidence comes out to support such an accusation.

When you look at reports circulating just now, it suggests that these are the worst fires seen in 15 years. So what happened 15 years ago? A 2007 BBC article said that forest fires (we didn’t call them “wild” fires back then) were near record levels in 2007. This suggests that there has been more fires in previous years at some point that set those records. Indeed, the article suggests that July 2007 was one of the worst months on record with the European Forest Fire Information System, which had 20 years of records at that point. So, one of the worst but not the worst, so there had been worse months. But somehow they weren’t man-made climate change related. The article, dated the 2nd of August 2007, uses an interesting phrase here, “the normal fire season in Europe has only just started”, it says. Normal, that’s the word used, the “normal” fire season. Normal. As in, not man made climate change, just a natural part of life in southern Europe.

This stuff is all designed to fuel fear and induce guilt onto the general population. To make them reject their cars, their gas boilers, and accept the concreting over of their countryside to make way for solar farms and wind turbines. Cars, central heating, meat, dairy products, holidays, wood burning stoves, having children, these are all the enemy of the climate change mob. They want you to feel guilty for having any of these things in your life. They want you to see these as negative things, things that should be sacrificed for the planet. They threaten people with “climate refugees” because they know full well, no one wants more refugees in the nation. They just need you to completely sell your soul and submit to weakness while you eat plant based factory foods and freeze during the winter. They want this, because this is the only way they have leverage over you.

And even if you do submit, you better believe they will bring in the climate refugees anyway.

As with most of the lies pushed on our people, we know they are lies because there’s never a clearly defined end point. How much more migration? How much longer do we need to be locked down? How many cars do we need off the road before it’s enough? There’s never an answer, because there’s not a problem needing solved, just a society needing funnelling down a specific route.

And no matter who is in charge, we get he same narrative. No one offers something different on climate change. Same with migration, LGBT issues, Covid… everyone is in lockstep.

The nation needs a true opposition to all this nonsense. This is where the Homeland Party comes in. We would oppose all these climate policies that reduce the quality of life for our people while giving meagre to non-existent results in affecting the climate. Our people should come first in their homeland, not profits for “green” energy firms and not climate refugees. It’s time for a change in the political climate of our nation.

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