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In Britain, we were told that to have an advert with woman in a bikini and the phrase, ‘Are you beach body ready?’ was something abhorrent and non-inclusive. We were told that it’s ‘body shaming’ because fat people are just as ready for the beach. Common sense didn’t prevail and those adverts weren’t just removed, they were banned. It was a harmful stereotype, apparently. The harm being entirely in peoples heads of course. But now, it seems, actual self-harm is being advertised, through coffee, of all things.

Costa Coffee have decided, in a stroke of advertising fruit-loopery, that the best bet for them going forward is to really embrace trans culture. Not content with pronouns and horrible rainbow flags, they’ve gone all out this time. They’ve decided that a cartoon depiction of a trans man (a woman) shirtless is what the nation really needs to see. A shirtless trans man with scars where otherwise normal breasts would have been. That’s the angle, self-harm for all to see, pushed onto people as a good thing.

This sort of thing is just another disgrace in a long line of advertising disgraces. Gillette’s anti-White male advert from a few years ago, Cadbury Creme Egg’s revolting advert a while back, and now this. Decency and morals are out the window. These companies simply cannot help but advertise their brands and their agenda. They can’t just have a wholesome ad with an all White family on a picnic in the countryside, they absolutely have to get some kind of anti-White message in or push the LGBT angle for all it’s worth. This is not about advertising a product but advertising a lifestyle. The same lifestyle every other mainstream brand and political party seem hell bent on advertising

And how is this not something that should be banned? How is this not something that’s against normal women? If a woman in a bikini advertising gym memberships is anti-fat, why is a woman with her breasts cut off not anti-women? Well, we know why, it’s because it’s not about standards, it’s not about acceptance, it’s about promoting everything that’s negative, everything that’s ‘progressive’ and everything that healthy societies wouldn’t stand for. Any positive message is harmful, any harmful message is positive. This is the world high on liberal capitalism.

I think Costa assume that because this is a cartoon, they will get away with it. But not so. As usual, there’s a public outcry, and quite rightly so. People do not want to see this kind of thing. The whole trans thing is where most people draw the line. Having it constantly pushed into your daily life angers a lot of people. The problem is, they don’t know how to fight back. There are a lot of ‘Boycott Costa’ things doing the rounds at the moment. Sorry, but this doesn’t work. It didn’t work with Bud Light, Gillette, Maybelline, etc. It never works. These companies are encouraged and rewarded for these actions. Boycotting them is definitely something that should be done, don’t get me wrong. They shouldn’t get a single penny from any of us. But boycotting is not the end goal. More needs to be done.

People power is the answer. We need to get involved in real life with community groups and really try to grow the numbers. We need people who hate this sort of thing to stop moaning online and start building groups or joining groups. This problem will not be sorted in comment sections or on twitter threads or online polls. Sure, you might get one advert stopped, but some other company will take the lead in short order. We need to organise a mass movement of people to end this and this needs to be built from the ground up. Everyone has a part to play and it’s not like there aren’t a healthy amount of people that are against this stuff. People in general agree that this shouldn’t be in an advert. They just need somewhere to begin.

The Homeland Party is that beginning. We aim to build a grass roots movement to bring people together in true opposition to this sort of thing and all the various attacks on normal, healthy, civilised society. We know that if we do nothing, if we remain terminally online, this sort of thing will continue and the intrusion of trans material into our daily life with sky rocket. Join us and help us make our homeland a better place.

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