
Solar Farm Cynicism & Housing Crisis Combo

As a proposal for Europe’s largest solar farm is considered in Nottinghamshire, it is probably worth having a think about these supposedly “green” solutions to our energy woes. The main problems with solar panels are that they have significantly diminishing returns year on year, require constant and costly maintenance in order to keep them operational […]

Solar Farm Cynicism & Housing Crisis Combo Read More »

David Campanale, the Lib Dem candidate, ‘punished’ for his faith.

The Liberal Democrats have been accused of breaching equality law by deselecting a candidate ‘based on his Christian faith’. This development came after a complaint to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) was raised regarding the treatment of David Campanale. The party has been accused of tolerating a “hostile environment” for people of faith,

David Campanale, the Lib Dem candidate, ‘punished’ for his faith. Read More »

Teachers were forced to do janitorial duties due to a lack of funds.

Headteachers are being forced to mend desks and unblock toilets after sacking school caretakers in the wake of budget cuts. School leaders in England said they could not afford to employ caretakers and had to change lightbulbs and clear playgrounds of dead rats. Amanda Richards, the headteacher of Sytchampton primary in Worcestershire, said her school “literally

Teachers were forced to do janitorial duties due to a lack of funds. Read More »

The UK Government may send British Troops to deliver aid to Gaza.

The Government is reportedly considering sending British troops to Gaza to help deliver aid once the US finishes building a new sea route into the besieged territory. The Pentagon confirmed that construction of the temporary pier, designed to speed up humanitarian aid into Gaza as famine looms, had begun, and operations will start in early

The UK Government may send British Troops to deliver aid to Gaza. Read More »

Intrusive AI “speed” cameras get national rollout.

It’s difficult to think of a more overused cliché than the term “Orwellian” when critiquing the Government’s modus operandi. Anyone familiar with Orwell’s seminal “1984” will know only too well his nightmare vision of the surveillance state, where people’s movements, speech and even thoughts are monitored and catalogued. However, there’s no smoke without a fire,

Intrusive AI “speed” cameras get national rollout. Read More »

FoI request reveals that Dozens of Home Office Staff face criminal investigations.

The Freedom of Information request reveals potential offences include immigration crime, drug offences and fraud. Dozens of Home Office staff are under criminal investigation for a range of offences, including immigration crime, fraud and drug offences. In response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request about its little-known anti-corruption criminal investigation unit (ACCIU), the Department revealed

FoI request reveals that Dozens of Home Office Staff face criminal investigations. Read More »

Scottish Conservatives launch attempt to repeal the Hate crime bill

Humza Yousaf is facing a vote at Holyrood to repeal his “disastrous” hate crime laws amid warnings that a deluge of complaints is placing an intolerable strain on Police Scotland. MSPs are to be asked to admit they made a mistake and back a Scottish Tory motion proposing that the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act be repealed

Scottish Conservatives launch attempt to repeal the Hate crime bill Read More »

Judge Overturns Ban on “Hamas is Terrorist” banner Protestor.

A judge has told the Metropolitan Police it cannot stop an Iranian dissident who displays a sign branding Hamas as terrorists from attending pro-Palestinian protests. Under strict bail conditions imposed by the force, Niyak Ghorbani, who has been arrested three times during his counter-protests, would have been prevented from going near any central London demonstrations relating to Israel and

Judge Overturns Ban on “Hamas is Terrorist” banner Protestor. Read More »

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