Sunak likely to betray Parents

In another show of weakness in standing up for sense and opposing the Pro-Trans agenda, Sunak appears to be backing away from legislation to stop children from changing Gender at School.

The Prime Minister had vowed to curb so-called social transitioning, where children who say they are trans demand to be referred to by a different pronoun and wear the uniform of the opposite sex.

Attorney General Victoria Prentis told the Prime Minister in July that a law was needed to ban social transitioning because otherwise, it could contravene the Equality Act.

But he is understood to have backed away from bringing in a law to enforce the new rules as he is concerned about party differences being exposed in the Commons in the run-up to an election.

The legislation is now considered unlikely to be included in this autumn’s King’s Speech and could even be kicked into the grass until after the next election.

A government source insisted no decisions had been taken on whether legislation was needed. However, another Whitehall source said: “The chances are it won’t be in the King’s Speech.”

Schools have been waiting for guidance on trans issues, initially promised by the end of July. No 10 says it still hopes to publish guidance telling schools they can stop children entering opposite-sex toilets and joining opposite-sex sports teams in the coming weeks. But this would not include a ban on social transitioning.

The Conservatives have always waved the Union flag and said the Nation must come before anything else. But it appears yet again that we are seeing Politicians putting their interests in front of the Nations by being more interested in clinging to power by any means rather than pushing on with what may be divisive legislation.

It also must be said that if many in the Conservative Party are in favour of Vulnerable children being able to so-called “transition,” then the Party is no longer genuinely Conservative. But this is true of the Conservative Party on many levels. Over the last few decades, we have seen them move further from true conservative principles.

The progressive rot is within the very bones of the Party, and it is doubtful now if it can be saved or should be. The ordinary people of the UK need a Party that will stand up for them, stand up for tradition, stand with families and oppose not just the “Trans Lobby” but the whole range of “woke” interest groups that are slowly pulling our Nation down.

This Party will not be found among the conservatives or labour and certainly not among the Liberals or the loonies of the Green Party. The Homeland Party is the only true nationalist Party capable of leading the UK to a better future.

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