Revealed: the sexualisation and political indoctrination in UK schools

Recent revelations have shown sexualisation and indoctrination of children in UK schools, with controversial lesson plans including ‘masturbation as homework’ and children being told their views are ‘not welcome’ in their school.

Footage recently emerged of a teacher calling students ‘despicable’ and ‘homophobic’ and telling them to change schools after they questioned the mental state of a student who apparently ‘identified as a cat’. The 13-year-old girl and her friend were reprimanded by their teacher at Rye College, in East Sussex, at the end of a Year 8 class on ‘life education’ in which they were told they can ‘be who they want to be’ and ‘how they identify’ is up to them.

The teacher told the the students they were being reported to senior leaders and were no longer welcome at the school if they continued to express the view that only boys and girls exist.

In the audio, which as been posted on social media, the teacher does not allow the pupils to engage in a respectful debate, instead reprimanding the students for hurting the feelings of other pupils. The recording is part of a trend of controversy over the content of lessons in schools, which appears to demonstrate a focus on political indoctrination rather than impartial education.

Last week, the Mail Online revealed the contents of lessons being taught in school, after a judge refused to allow concerned mother Clare Page the right to see the material being taught to her 15-year-old daughter.

The national newspaper revealed that children are being taught about anal sex and orgasms before they have reached puberty and set ‘masturbation’ as homework, in lessons plans which have apparently been provided to teachers by charities and teaching resource providers.

The graphic teaching material, used at schools around the UK, includes a sex manual for pre-teens. Colouring books, word searches and cartoon drawings have also been given to young girls and boys by ‘activist teachers’ in their ‘overarching mission to sexualise children in the name of inclusion’, according to the Mail Online.

As well as graphic descriptions of sex acts, as well as masturbation set as homework, the lesson plans include inaccurate claims about biological sex and present gender as ‘fluid’, including the claim that people can be born ‘in the wrong body’.

Government guidance appears to be lacking in the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), despite the subject becoming compulsory in September 2020, leaving the activist charities to fill the gap, and teachers all too happy to push the political material on our children.

The Sex Education Forum (SEF), Coram Life Education and Brook are some of the leading charities that create lesson plans for schools, hold PSHE workshops and point teachers towards related educational material. Coram Life Education supports 50,000 teachers. Their PSHE education reaches more than 600,000 pupils each year. Meanwhile, SEF states on its own website that it ‘has a long history of successfully influencing policy’.

Sex education has been a controversial topic for a number of years, and it is clear that people don’t want this political sexual indoctrination in schools. Despite the Conservative Party being in government for 13 years, leftist political indoctrination in schools is continuing unabated. A government which listens to the people would not allow these lessons to continue, and the Homeland Party would end sexualisation and indoctrination in our schools.

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