Pregnant men? Let’s ask the kids!

A poll of more than 1,000 pupils aged 16 to 18 found that one in five have been told that men can get pregnant and a third have been taught that that women can have a penis!

Two-thirds were taught that biological sex was “assigned” by medical professionals at birth, which means that it could be changed later in life, while one in ten want to change gender and two thirds know someone who wants to.

Jo-Anne Nadler from Civitas, the group responsible for the survey, said: “Governments need to come clean about their role in embedding politics throughout the curriculum and sometimes the wider school culture as well”.

Conservative MP Miriam Cates, a former teacher and member of the Commons education committee, said: “What is happening in our schools under the guise of sex education is a population level psychological and social experiment on our children. This cannot go on.”

What an absolute mess. Yes, children need sex education and guidance while growing up but not this constant push we see from woke liberal types, be they politicians, teachers or whoever, falling over themselves to be the most progressive.

Let kids be kids. Some males are feminine in nature or appearance, some females are masculine in nature or appearance; they need to be allowed to find themselves at their own pace. Some will have multiple sexual partners by fifteen (which the Homeland Party does not condone), others wait until they are married before having sex, and everything in between.

They need to discover these things over time at their own pace without some ideological zealot masquerading as a teacher trying to convince them they are this sexuality or that, or explaining how to violate themselves with some adult toy.

The pressure these “kind and tolerant” adults put these kids under has to stop. Homeland’s key belief is family – it is the most important thing.

Teachers should be pushing kids to excel at the core subjects and leaving their politics in the staff room.

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