Period dignity offer goes to court.

The employment tribunal hearing for Scotland’s first-period dignity officer will start next March and could last ten weeks.

Jason Grant’s appointment sparked worldwide controversy last year, with critics saying the position should have gone to a woman.

However, Mr Grant’s role was created to ensure the legal right to free period products in public places. Tayside’s period dignity working group discontinued the role following alleged “threats and abuse” to those involved.

The partnership responsible for hiring him, which included representatives from Perth, Dundee and Angus College, and Dundee and Angus Council initially defended its decision.

Grant’s lawyer argues that all the bodies involved in the partnership are liable after his client was publicly dismissed, as well as liability for sex discrimination. What has also caused a stir is the length and cost of the tribunal, with the taxpayer footing the bill for the hearing on the grounds of publicly funded bodies being involved.

So, here we go again, more money being wasted by “publicly funded bodies.”
It’s always the case. There must be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of meddling civil servants or people who make a living managing publicly funded bodies.

All are sitting there acting like they know what they’re talking about, thinking they are more intelligent than you, trying to be as woke as they can be and all the while you are paying.

Let’s not forget that these manager types are paid very well, often better than the professionals they govern. We recently heard from a doctor in the Lucy Letby case lamenting that his and other staff members’ complaints and concerns about the former nurse fell on deaf ears when reported to senior management.

So here we are, a man gets sacked because the people who take your money to pay him realized they made a mistake.

We need these sponging, bungling managing types out of their positions and replaced by actual leaders.
We wish Mr Grant all the best in his case; it will, after all, be us financing his payout.

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