Natalist Concern

Following on from my previous article about the woman who wanted to have other people essentially bring up her child while she got drunk down the pub, we have this week heard the absolutely tragic story of another broken women. But this story is as shocking as it is sad. Mother of three, Carla Foster, ordered abortion pills online after a consultation for a home termination. This alone doesn’t bare thinking about: these pills are routinely sent out to women up to 10 weeks into the pregnancy so they can end said pregnancy.

The absolutely blood chilling thing about this case is that Carla Foster’s unborn child was estimated to be between 32 and 34 weeks old. That’s a viable baby we are talking about. That’s what this woman has killed.

As a father of premature children myself, I can easily say that a child that stage is very much a child when it leaves the womb. They cry, they open their eyes, they grip things, they make little noises. They are alive. None of this “clump of cells” Richard Dawkins nonsense, they are a child.

The woman in question’s personal circumstances probably have a lot to do with this choice. She was back living with her estranged partner but carrying another man’s baby at the time. That is a minefield for another article. And this doesn’t excuse her in the slightest. OK, it’s tough situation to be in, but that child didn’t choose for her to create it. She was its mother and had responsibilities. Responsibilities she chose to avoid.

Now she has been handed a sentence that includes 14 months of jail time. Women’s groups have already come out in blind support for another woman facing jail time and asked that the sentence be non custodial. Essentially, they’re asking for zero consequences, which simply cannot be allowed. This whole notion of “my body my choice” surely has limits when a viable child is involved. But apparently not, apparently the dead child isn’t the victim, the mother is. That’s essentially the view of women’s groups and MP Stella Creasy. Stella reckons the laws need urgent reform. By reform, she means women shouldn’t be punished for doing something like this. In a nation where smacking is banned, an MP is looking to reduce jail time for the murder of a child. It’s a brutal way of putting it but that’s what this is.

But the more cutting point of this story is that of a mother who is in a psychological state of such fragility that she sees aborting a near full term baby as the option to go for. What kind of a country is this where mothers are willing to go through with this? She lied on her online consultation because she knew that if she were honest, she wouldn’t get the result she wanted. This woman actually went out of her way to ensure this happened the way it did and was dishonest to medical professionals in the process. If we ever needed to see the results of the anti-natal society up close and personal, this is it.

If we also needed to see why all this online doctor stuff is a waste of time and down right dangerous, this is a prime example. She lied, no one checked up on her story, and the medication to kill her child was posted out to her. “Broken Britain” just doesn’t cover it anymore.

Our people are suffering. Suffering mentally to the point where this kind of thing happens. And it’s not down to one thing. It’s not just the attack on European culture, it’s not just the constant rainbow flag waving or mass migration to our nation. It’s not just the attack on masculinity. It’s not just the fact that women are being shoe horned into jobs and careers they don’t need or want. It’s not just the terrible diets, the Covid lockdowns, the debt based economics.

It’s all these things.

We demand the government start putting in policies to protect the mental wellbeing and quality of life for our people, first and foremost. Before anyone else, our people should be safe and secure in their environment and in themselves. Otherwise, things like this will become the norm. I have no doubt that this isn’t an isolated incident. For this to be happening at all is a national shame, and no politicians seem to give a damn about.

Well, the Homeland Party does. It’s about time we changed the driver of this bus, lest we end up with prisons full of Carla Fosters.

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