Livestock still enjoying the wonders of diversity

Following on from our report earlier this month regarding the loss and mutilation of farmers’ livestock, new reports of similar cases are continuously emerging on Twitter. Don’t expect the mainstream media to give much attention to these.

In the latest story, a farmer in Malswick, Forest of Dean, has found four of his sheep beheaded. The bodies were missing, so we can assume they were likely taken for meat. There have been numerous reports of similar incidents recently, especially around the Peak District, during the Ramadan period when lamb is a popular ingredient in iftar cooking.

We shouldn’t pin our hopes on the police to take any serious action against these horrific acts, even though it blatantly constitutes theft. We also have strict animal cruelty laws in this country, but apparently, they aren’t applicable to those who bring their foreign culture and values to this land. The simple fact is the police exist to enforce the government’s agendas, a major one of which is mass immigration. Even if this weren’t the case, they would be too scared of being labelled “racist” if they tried applying the law to migrants.

The major political parties, and by extension the mainstream media, will also turn a blind eye. Why would they condemn such acts which accommodate their “cultural enrichment” initiative?

Homeland Party would take serious action against these crimes, which is exactly what they are. We believe that animals deserve humane treatment and we would strictly enforce animal cruelty laws, as well as laws against theft. We strongly urge members of the public to be vigilant and report incidents like this to the police, as well as sharing them on social media. Let’s keep the pressure on until the police have no choice but to do their job properly.

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