Lee Rigby remembered

On this day, 22nd May 2023, we remember the life of a great soldier, Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. On the afternoon of this day ten years ago he was attacked and violently murdered by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, South East London.

Rigby was taking a well-deserved break from his duties when he was attacked and horrifically murdered. The two men, who were both Islamic converts, had decided that day that they were going to murder a serving member of the armed forces. The motive was to enact their revenge for the deaths of Muslims during campaigns and operations our armed forces had been involved in.

On 19th December 2013, both attackers were found guilty of Rigby’s murder. On 26th February 2014, both men were sentenced to life imprisonment, with Adebolajo given a whole life sentence and Adebowale ordered to serve a minimum of 45 years.

Lee was not only an outstanding soldier who served his country with pride, he also had a family and a two-year-old son who has had to grow up without him. Lee’s family and the country at large have been devastated that a young, bright soldier with his whole future ahead of him had his life violently ended by individuals driven by an ideology the UK government has allowed to be imported into our nation.

Lee’s tragic death serves as an example of what our people will continue to witness and face if we continue down this path of never-ending immigration. This is an issue is caused and exacerbated by all the mainstream parties, each of which has played their part in promoting and pushing it.

We will always remember Lee Rigby.
Gone but never forgotten.

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