Lawyers clash over government reforms

The Law Society of Scotland has said it will do “everything in our power” to ensure that the independence of the profession was not “jeopardised” by measures in the Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill.

They warn that the new bill could put the “independence of Scotland’s legal profession at real risk”. The bill sets out to reform the regulation of legal services, but lawyers have concerns about the new powers it would give to Scottish ministers.

The legislation, if approved, would provide ministers with power to amend the regulatory objectives and professional principles – which would be done after consultation with Scotland’s most senior judge, the Lord President of the Court of Session, and others.

The Homeland Party has no wish to meddle in the affairs of any business any more than it has to. However, one of our key beliefs, stated on this website, is: “It will be our government’s policy to ensure that the economy and private industry are run for the benefit of our people.” In this instance we know almost for certain that the Scottish government will be looking to push their own agenda onto the legal profession – an agenda that will be ideological for them but of no good to the people.

As for the lawyers, they’ll get little sympathy from us. The legal profession has had its hand in the government till for a long time. There will be more than a few lawyers’ firms complaining about “government overreach” now it affects them, the same people who would instantly take the taxpayers’ money to draft up legislation or regulations to hinder the little guy. All their efforts should work towards benefiting the many, not the few: for our people, our Homeland.

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