Kegworth says NO

Homeland Party activists joined with the people of Kegworth over the weekend to protest using the Yew Tree Hotel to house migrants. Since February, the hotel has been hosting around two hundred migrants, and that number is steadily increasing.

The quaint town of Kegworth has been caught in a heated debate regarding the prospect of migrants residing in a local hotel. The town’s inhabitants have been vocal in their opposition to this idea, expressing concerns on multiple fronts. They worry that the arrival of migrants may lead to a strain on resources such as healthcare, education, and housing. Additionally, they fear that the newcomers may alter the town’s demographics, which could have far-reaching implications for the community’s culture and social fabric.

Another concern raised by the residents is the potential rise in crime rates that may come with an influx of migrants. Despite repeated protests and petitions, the residents feel that authorities have ignored their concerns at all levels of governance. This issue has created a significant divide in the town, with some advocating for a more inclusive approach while others remain staunchly opposed to the idea.

The Homeland Party firmly stands in solidarity with the residents of Kegworth, who have decided to take a bold stance by proclaiming, “Kegsworth says NO”. We urge their elected representatives, including Andrew Bridgen, to join this noble cause. Empowering communities to speak up for themselves is a core value that we hold dear, and we remain committed to supporting their efforts in every possible way.

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