Homeland activists took to the Erskine Hotel today to back up the local community once again, in their fight to keep their community safe. In the shadow of the now migrant-filled hotel, the team set up their banners and gazebo and were joined by the local residents.
Showing off our flash new banners, Homeland’s team was pleased to see the local residents had also brought something new to the table with their T-shirts proclaiming “Erskine Says No”. The locals do not want a hotel full of fighting-age men from other continents on their doorstep, and no amount of bussed-in communists and trade unionists will change this fact. These people were never asked (to coin a phrase). But, they are giving the commies and the council an answer.

Homeland will continue to stand beside these brave locals. We will support their attempts to have this place emptied of migrants. In this supposed “democracy”, the people have made their choice. They do not want these people pushed into their community. A real government that cared about our homeland and its people would never for a minute think that this was a good use of taxpayers’ money. We have countless homeless on the streets in this nation and none of them are living in 4-star luxury for free. Nor will they ever be offered this level of care and support by our current political class.
This needs to change. Local people need to be listened to and our own homeless need to be sheltered and cared for ahead of any and all migrants. The government have a duty to serve our people, not to spend huge sums of money caring for everyone who fancies coming to Britain illegally.
The Homeland Party will seek to change this and put our people back to the top of the priority list.
This is our Homeland after all.