Today we once again joined with Erskine residents in their on-going #ErskineSaysNo campaign, against migrants being dumped on their doorstep and housed in the Muthu Glasgow River Hotel.
After our activists left, the police in their infinite wisdom left as well, leaving the half dozen or so Erskine locals to be accosted by 20 “counter protesters” and a handful of “hotels guests”. The Residents whose ages ranged between 44 and 65 bravely stood their ground.
The cowardly rabble included representatives from Unison, Unite and the PCS unions, and even though they outnumbered the locals 3 to 1, they still thought better of it.
The Homeland Party supports peaceful demonstration by local communities. It’s a pity these unions don’t think the same way. Leaflets will be delivered by the locals over the next week.