Dundee Neglect Leafletting

“This week our activists in the North East of Scotland have been out delivering over 500 leaflets for our #DundeeNeglect campaign.

Dundee has the highest drug deaths in Europe and some of the most impoverished areas in the country and the SNP have completely neglected the city.

Our first minister seems more concerned with diverting our resources towards helping everyone but the Scottish people. He’s more interested in grandstanding as some sort of international statesman than he is actually doing the day job of running the country.

It’s bad enough that he and his administration do nothing to tackle the scourge of drug use in this city. Still, from recent news reports, it is alleged that a member of his own family is actively involved in the supply of the poison that is destroying our communities. This man cannot be trusted to run our country. We deserve so much better than this.

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