An independent Scotland “built on woke”

The SNP Michael Russell has been mocked for saying that an independent Scotland should be “built on woke”. In an article for the pro-Scexit paper The National, Russell wrote: “The African-American word ‘woke’ simply means being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. That is something we should all be – awake to the injustices and cruelties that still abound, horrified by their past expression and focused on eliminating them for the future.”

He went on to add: “We must continue to be awake to the problems that exist all around us and be ever more motivated to resolve them – problems such as racism, sexism, misogyny and discrimination which were all mentioned by Iain Livingstone this week. That is how you build a new country – by acknowledging what is wrong and collectively working to set it right.” In other words, by being woke.

But the article probably didn’t get the reaction in the comments section that Russell had been hoping for, with one response to his argument saying, “woke literally means abandoning common sense”. Another said: “Used to. Now it’s gone the same way as ‘politically correct’. A way to silence real debate”. “Russell has lost the plot” was the verdict of another.

Gavin McInnes, the podcaster and ex-founder of Vice Media, said that under the SNP, “Scotland is the most woke country in the world, it hates itself”. Many would likely agree with McInnes.

It is easy to see the damage that the push to be the most “progressive” or “woke” administration in Europe – or maybe even the world – by the SNP has done to our nation.

Under sentencing guidelines brought in by the SNP which seek softer sentences for under 25s, we have seen a young man who has performed repeated sexual assaults and rapes on a child victim given a community order when an older offender would have received a 5-year jail sentence. In another case, a young man who killed a 15-year-old in a hit and run was given community service. It appears the SNP have given anyone who is under 25 the go-ahead to commit serious crime and receive a “get out of jail free” card because of their age.

The SNP has brought in a youth justice policy that it says is “trying to protect children” by trying to avoid their exposure to police stations, youth panels, courts, care homes or young offender institutions. However, all it has done is make “children” realise that there are very few consequences to their actions. It has also made them less safe, not just from violence or sexual assault carried out by other “youths”, but also making them open to exploitation by criminals, who use these youngsters to commit crime on their behalf with little fear of consequences for the youngster.

Conversely, the SNP, while saying that youngsters are not able to realise the consequences of their actions and are too immature when it come to decision making, wants to enable them to stand as MSPs at the age of 16 and 17 under the push for equality and diversity. A policy which, if implemented, is sure to lead to disaster and make the Scottish Parliament an even bigger laughing stock than it is already.

While there has to be every effort made to not draw people into the prison system at a young age, they need to be made aware that their actions can have serious consequences. Rehabilitation needs to be high on the agenda but there must also be an element of punishment as well. A well resourced custodial system can both rehabilitate and punish. The SNP and other politicians with woke agendas have pushed harder and harder for young people’s rights but have failed to teach them that with rights come responsibilities.

The SNP’s progressive agenda has not gone down well in other ways with the Scottish electorate, with there being a major pushback by the ordinary people of Scotland against policies such as the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, which has aimed to make it far easier for so-called “transgender people” to legally change their gender.

The Westminster Government has blocked the bill so far and much of the Scottish electorate back their action. Maybe Scotland isn’t as progressive as the SNP would like to believe, and this may hurt them in the next elections.

SNP policy toward so-called “transgender women” has seen men convicted of rape being sent to women’s prisons to serve their sentences – a situation which has seen outrage among much of the public.

When it comes to immigration, the SNP are seeking to implement an open door policy to their would-be independent Scotland. Even without independence, they have sought to throw open the gates to migrants to come to Scotland, with appeals to Westminster to allow them to implement a separate Scottish Visa system that would see migrants granted visas much more easily.

In past policy papers, the SNP have said that an independent Scotland should encourage immigration to communities struggling with declining or aging populations as well as the restoration of free movement. The SNP also supports a “right to work” policy for asylum seekers and wishes to include them in the social security system, which would see them receiving the same entitlements as the Scots.

They went on to say that they would “dismantle” the pillars of UK immigration policy which it says includes an “unrelenting drive” to reduce migration. This would more than likely include the removal of the present nationality test for citizenship, the ending of the detention of failed asylum seekers and the requirement to be proficient in English.

We can see all too clearly what happens when a small nation run by a progressive government throws open its doors to immigration when we look at Sweden. This seems to be the SNP’s vision for the future of Scotland.

The SNP’s woke agenda is already doing massive harm to our nation; allowing them to be in charge of an independent Scotland would be a disaster for our nation and its people. The people of Scotland need to wake up to the threat of the SNP and their Green allies and reject them completely.

Many people vote for the SNP because they see them as the only route to an independent Scotland and as the saviours of the Scottish identity, but they are in fact the opposite. An independent, SNP-run Scotland will see our identity lost under a wave of immigration and bland international progressiveness. Scotland needs a real nationalist alternative to the fake nationalism of the SNP. Hopefully in the coming years we will see that come to the fore.

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