A filthy mess

The SNP is under going something of a collapse under Humza Yousaf. And while this is not entirely his own doing, he is personally showing why the SNP is a party built on foundations of sand. His constituency in Glasgow, Pollock, has seen sewage dumped in waterways totalling 8.3 million cubic metres. 8.3 million! This is a man leading a party that’s allied with the Greens, of all people.

This is a national disgrace. Scotland’s waterways are already being abused enough but to see these kind of numbers, well it’s frankly eye-watering. At a time when his party is collapsing all around him, Mr Yousaf seems to have taken his eye off the ball completely when it comes to his own constituency. And this sums up a lot about the SNP; they’re all good at talking about Westminster but a lot of SNP MSPs don’t seem remotely interested in the areas they’ve been elected to represent.

This won’t bother Humza, however. He lives on the other side of the country, just outside Dundee in the posh Broughty Ferry area. Would he be happy to see and smell sewage flowing out into the river Tay while he sits on the beach? I very much doubt it. You would hope, as a local resident with a bit of power, he would throw his weight around to get it sorted. He certainly does when there’s a nursery he doesn’t like.

But if you voted for this man to represent you, well, what did you expect? He doesn’t care; the proof is in the pudding. If he cared, this would be sorted long before it hit the tabloids. He only cares now because the story is out and it looks terrible, even by current SNP standards.

Once again, the Scottish people are let down by the so-called “nationalist” party, and both people and the environment have to suffer the results of yet more incompetence.

This simply is not good enough. A real nationalist party wouldn’t allow such a disgrace to occur in the first place. Never mind building mini-embassies in other nations or buying huge mobile homes and parking them at your parents’ house, or putting traffic fines on expenses (like Dave Doogan, my local MSP, who incidentally claimed £266,287.97 of expenses in 2022 alone). How about you actually focus on making the world a better, cleaner place?

No? Then make way for a party that will.

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