Oh, her again…

Remember Theresa May? If you are very lucky, you’ll say “no, never heard of her”. If you aren’t so lucky, you’ll remember that god awful robot dance thing she did while she was our PM in front of the cameras, on purpose. I’m still recovering from the initial cringe of this spectacle myself. Well, after a disastrous try at being PM, she went quiet and we breathed a small sigh of relief. But now she’s back, as a hardcore older Tory, pushing for the rights of the… boat migrants.

Yep, these Tories, young or old, are all dead set on putting the rights of random strangers from the four corners before the wants, needs and wishes of the people that vote for them. Time and again we see it and here comes yet another example of how these politicians, blue, red, yellow or green, all hate you. There’s no infiltrating, no influencing. These people are rotten to the core. They’re all internationalists and your opinion doesn’t get a look in.

So, we have a massive issue with illegal migrants coming across the channel and have done for some time now. Our government promise to sort it, then do absolutely nothing. The most well known recent fake policy is the hair-brained notion that they will send these people to Rwanda for processing. So far, the boats keep coming and the flights are non-existent. Now we have a new Illegal Migration Bill that the government are trying to push through. And up steps May.

According to May, this bill goes against some modern slavery thing that she passed during her tenure and therefore she is trying to stop this going through. Firstly, why we even need a bill for this is beyond me. This is our nation and they are hear illegally. Secondly, it is no surprise to anyone paying attention that a Tory would be leading the charge to derail a Tory “plan” to curb illegal migration. You’d almost think this was part of the plan wouldn’t you?

May says that her modern slavery bill gives the police the means to interview and question potential slaves and that this new bill wouldn’t give them the security and time to come forward and give evidence against the slaver owners operating in Britain. “We all want to stop the boats…..but this bill is not just written to stop the boats, it covers all illegal migration….” she said in the Commons. Sorry Theresa, what’s the problem here? Aside from your obvious lie at the start, what’s wrong with targeting all illegal migrants? After all, what they’ve done is illegal. But May doesn’t want a bill that targets them all, so best to torpedo the whole thing and leave us exactly where we are with boat loads coming over.

She babbled on, “if you want victims to provide evidence to bring slave drivers to justice, the victims need time (presumably she means 50 odd years living here), they need support and they need to be here.” There’s another way to drive out the slavers though: end their supply of slave labour by deporting illegal migrants who end up as slaves. This will collapse any businesses they have and see them take themselves elsewhere. It’s a win-win for our homeland.

But this is not the Tory way. They would rather have the problems here so they could waste police resources on them rather than just stop the problem altogether. I realise I’m making this all sound way more simple than it should be but why is it always a case of “we must keep letting them come here” whenever it comes to migration? If this isn’t the plan for forever migration, then it’s one hell of a coincidence.

And since we are talking about former Tory leaders taking a leaf out of Stalin’s playbook, William Hague has come froward with a great article entitled “Even right wingers know we need migrants”. More nonsense to scare the general population into accepting replacement migration in our homeland. More manipulating of the people by the politicians.

In a nutshell, the Tories are a disgrace. I mean, we all knew that anyway. But to see them come out with this endless support for people from anywhere but here is just another nail in the coffin for mainstream politics. These parties have been detached from the people for a very long time now. They don’t serve us, they serve other interests. This is not how it should be. We deserve a far better class of politician in this nation and the Homeland Party will see that the people get exactly that.

This is our Homeland and it’s about time that we were the first and only priority.

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