PRESS RELEASE: The Homeland Party Celebrates a Milestone at Its 2024 Conference

PRESS RELEASE: The Homeland Party Celebrates a Milestone at Its 2024 Conference, Defying Attempts at Disruption and Building Momentum

The Homeland Party is celebrating a pivotal moment in the rise of genuine nationalist politics in the UK. Our conference was a resounding success, with a full hall and participation from patriots across the UK and Europe. The event featured engaging discourse and excellent speakers throughout. A key highlight was the lively discussion panel with an open Q&A, where the main theme, “What is Sensible Nationalism and How Can We Sell It,” allowed attendees to explore new ideas and help shape the pragmatic, forward-thinking direction for the party.

We were honoured to welcome international guest speakers, Robert Grajny from Konfederacja (The Confederation Liberty and Independence), a prominent nationalist alliance in Poland, and Manuel Schreiber from the AfD in Germany. Their participation underscored the shared destiny of nationalist movements across Europe. Though not bound by formal political ties, we stand united by a common cause: the rise of patriotism across the continent, where a victory for one is a victory for all. Our UK guest was Steve Laws, a citizen journalist and political firebrand who represents the growing frustration across the country.

A recurring theme throughout these speeches was the question of how serious movements are built and how the mistakes of the past can be avoided. Our international guests provided valuable insights, particularly given that their parties are winning elections and polling at 30% or higher in their respective countries.

The discussion panel contributions from Garreth Falls of NI People, a new non-sectarian party in Northern Ireland focused on community politics, as well as Pete North, an independent political analyst. This vibrant cross-pollination of ideas through the discussion was more than just dialogue—it became a foundation for defining a sensible path forward for all patriots.

Our Regional Organiser for Scotland, Simon Crane, kindly offered tea and coffee to the small group of 4-5 scruffy protesters outside the town hall. Our members and guests remained completely undeterred, engaging in friendly conversation with them.

It’s still unclear what exactly they were protesting. They mentioned something about free speech, yet their attempt to stop a political party from holding a meeting in a town hall—which will have hosted controversial political gatherings for over a century—seems contradictory. These individuals appeared confused and struggled to explain their stance. Ultimately, they were more of a mild nuisance, and we honestly felt a bit sorry for them.

Towards the end of the day, far-left extremist protesters were bussed in from Derby and other parts of the country. Despite their presence, they failed to disrupt anything. However, they were extremely abusive towards the police, who were simply doing their job, caused disruption in the town, and spread misinformation online. The police were fantastic in the face of left-wing aggression.

We closed the conference on time, packed up, and left as planned without incident. Every single attendee walked out with their heads held high, with some amusement at the sight of the rag-tag bunch of far-left extremists gathered outside.

We will not be intimidated by left-wing extremists. Our new friends from Konfederacja in Poland and the AfD in Germany face similar opposition, and now they are leading the way in their countries—we can do the same.

A great number proceeded to a wonderful dinner we had booked locally, where the excitement only rose, as not only had we held a successful conference, we had confounded the far-left, confidence and recruitment were improved by the experience, and new friendships were made over drinks.

A special thanks must go to the caterers, the Wirksworth town council administrators and the caretaker who came to lock up for us. They displayed not only absolute professionalism but also courage in the face of extremists who seek to stop people from holding legitimate political meetings.

The Homeland Party is deeply encouraged by the energy and enthusiasm demonstrated throughout the conference and looks forward to building on this momentum. Together, we are shaping a brighter, stronger future for our nation.

Note to Editors:

The Homeland Party responds to all press enquiries and requests for interviews. We are an open confident party, that does not shy away from scrutiny. Contact us via our website or through [email protected]

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