1st World spending, 3rd World standards

The UK govt spends money like it’s going out of fashion. Our politicians don’t know how to save, they don’t know how to be sensible, they spend, spend, spend. And when there’s no money, they borrow, charge the public the interest, and carry on spending. Even if it’s all wasted, they empty the coffers with complete abandon.

So, this nation’s people enjoyed a wonderful life of wealth and services.

We all know that isn’t the case, though. We all know the UK is spiralling downward. But do we know just how bad things are getting?

According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, there are currently 1.04 million children living in what is described as “horrifying levels of destitution.” This means that the parents of these children cannot afford to keep them clean, fed, dry and warm. In Britain. in 2023, children are living like this. This is a national disgrace. What makes this worse is that the number has nearly tripled since 2017.

I wonder what happened in between times that has crippled this nation? I’m curious about what government policy was enacted during that period, which has seen people’s living standards crash through the floor. And how many people still think it was worth it because there was a mild virus going around?

The report lists the 30 most deprived places in the UK, with many boroughs of London making this list, including Tower Hamlets. But massive cities such as Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, and Birmingham all make the list, with Glasgow representing Scotland. Now, a lot of these cities and boroughs have a massive diversity quota, which certainly doesn’t do anything to help matters, but there are working-class English and Scots trapped in this crushing burden of stress, debt, hunger or all three.

This should not be happening in this nation in 2023. Especially given the way the government throw money around. The problem is where this money is spent. While people can’t feed their children, migrants get three meals a day in hotels, costing us 8 million pounds a day. While people here don’t have the money to pay for the heating in their homes, our government has found plenty of money to pay for military hardware to go to Ukraine. As the nation’s council properties and infrastructure crumble away, we send billions abroad in foreign aid to help other countries build up their own infrastructure. As families in Glasgow brace for tight times as winter approaches, Humza decides to put £500k in the pot for Gaza.

MPs claim thousands in expenses when people can’t afford enough food or heating. Total MP claims, excluding travel and staffing for the year up to 31st March 2023, was just over £22 Million. If you include staffing and travel costs, the top 5 claiming MPs contain 4 SNP MSPs. Three of those represent Glasgow and areas around Glasgow. Yet Glasgow is in the top 30 regions for destitution. Stewart McDonald (Glasgow South) claimed £118k, Alison Thewliss (Glasgow Central) £119k and Steven Bonnar (Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill) £131k. The other SNP MSP on the list was Dave Doogan, claiming £112k, including a couple of grand to have his office windows cleaned.

We need to get value for money.

We are now heading into winter, and in the poorer areas of our nation, people with children face a harrowing issue. Their council properties are overrun with dampness, and they’re told to open windows to let the moist air out. But doing so allows all the heat to escape. So the windows remain closed because they must; the heat is saved, and the dampness continues to fester. This will lead to breathing issues and illnesses in children and parents throughout winter, with seemingly no solution because a solution would cost money. And we don’t have any. Well, we do; it’s just never to be spent on the working-class people of this country.

And that is the real problem here: we are bankrupting ourselves and loading up on debt while giving money to everyone except the hard-working natives at the bottom of the pile in our nation. Our people suffer while we give vast stacks of cash to Ukraine and Israel for arms. We give out billions in foreign aid. We spend hundreds of millions on facilities, food, heating and entertainment for foreigners who illegally arrive on our shores. But when it comes to our people, the government couldn’t do less to help even if they made it policy.

Things need to change. In 2023, no child should be hungry. In 2023, parents shouldn’t be sacrificing their food to keep their children well-fed. This is not a third-world nation. This could all change tomorrow.

But it won’t change.

Until people get involved and make those changes. If you aren’t involved in local politics, standing up for the oppressed working class, then who is? Because the politicians certainly aren’t.

This is something you must do in your local area, in your community. Get on your local community and parish councils, or turn up to the meetings and make your voice heard. Speak up for your people, and make sure that you do what you can to put them first in their homeland. God knows these children are living in utter poverty. They need someone to speak for them in 2023.

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