Transsexual jailed for schoolgirl sex attack

A 53-year-old man has admitted to abducting and sexually assaulting a primary school girl at his home in the Scottish Borders.

Andrew Miller, who is also known as Amy George, offered to give the girl a lift home in February of this year. Miller then drove the girl to his home in Melrose where he subjected her to a series of sexual assaults over the course of the next 27 hours.

The girl escaped after Miller fell asleep on the second night of the ordeal. She was able to call the Police who arrested Miller while he was still sleeping.

The girl later told police she had been unable to get a bus home and so started to walk when she was approached by “a lady in a car” who offered to give her a lift.

She said she had accepted the offer and got into the Jaguar car because she was cold and believed the “lady” to be non-threatening.

“Amy George”

The court was told that Miller identifies as transgender and is in the process of transitioning to female. He was not known to his victim before he abducted her.

At the time of his arrest, he was presenting as Amy George but confirmed he wished to be addressed as Andrew Miller using “he” pronouns for simplicity.

The court is considering the imposition of an order for lifelong restriction, which would see Miller held in prison for a set period and only released if the parole board felt it was safe to do so.

Hopefully, Miller will never see the light of day again. He preyed upon a child’s natural instinct to trust a “woman” doing the “motherly thing” in order to carry out his sickening attack.

Children are always taught about stranger danger with the emphasis that they should worry about men. No doubt there are more than a few men posing as “Amy George” to get themselves closer to children. These perverts have no doubt consumed porn that they would eventually become desensitised to, then seeking out ever more obscure and perverse material, eventually culminating in incidents like this.

The Homeland Party would encourage people to put their time and effort into family and community life rather than consuming unnatural sexual content online.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where our ruling class, as well as the middle class woke brigade, cheer on degeneracy and other forms of “expression”!

We wonder how many of these men lurk in the LGBTQ+ community, a community that usually has plenty to say. In this instance their silence is deafening.

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