Trans woman jailed for 20 years

A trans woman has been jailed for abducting and sexually assaulting a young girl. The woman, Amy George, was given a 20-year sentence at the high court in Edinburgh after offering her victim a lift home.

Instead, she drove the child to her own house, where she subjected the primary school pupil to a horrifying series of sexual assaults.

That is how this case should have been reported on

However, our mainstream media and establishment class have reported on this case by naming the culprit by his real name, Andrew Miller.

We could go on and on pointing out the hypocrisy of the woke left in how they revoked “Ms George” special status after she committed this atrocious act, but this isn’t an occasion for a quick own.

The reality is a middle-aged male has been allowed by our Western liberal system to have, over many years, access to pornography which has led him down a dark path to a point where he identifies as a woman whilst forcing a child to watch porn and keeping, as the charges show, 242 indecent images of children.

Sexual deviants such as Miller have not been discouraged by our establishment, far from it. As politicians and journalists clutch their pearls about Those who don’t align with liberalism like me, people like Miller walk amongst us, knowing that their alternative lifestyle will be championed.

We had previously reported this case back in May.

While the prosecution and imprisonment of this vile person is a welcome development, we need to see concrete measures and laws put in place so that predators of this nature cannot so readily have access to our children.

Advocacy groups for LGBTQ rights must also consider the repercussions of creating an unquestionable and privileged class. The problem comes from pushing this notion of blind acceptance, which is leaving the door open to those of a predatory nature.

Miller could cloak his intentions behind the mask of transgenderism, taking advantage of people’s tolerance and sympathy for those who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria. For this reason, a new approach to this complicated issue is needed because the safety of our children is non-negotiable.

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