The Illegal Migration Bill

The Illegal Migration Bill is set to become law after the Government won a series of votes in the House of Lords.

The legislation is central to the prime minister’s pledge to stop small boats crossing the English Channel. Under the bill, the home secretary has a legal duty to detain and remove anyone entering the UK illegally. The bill will now go for royal assent and become law.

It is, however, still unclear what will actually happen to people who enter the UK illegally after the government’s Rwanda deal fell through and with no “safe” third-world country having any such deal with the UK.

As has been stated before on this website, The Homeland Party believes that actions speak louder than words. We all know the Tories have no intention of deporting illegals and even if they do, it’ll be a token amount that the floundering government can point at feebly, telling us that they’ve “got tough” on immigration.

The Homeland Party would put into place policy which would discourage people making the perilous trips to our shores. All we would have to do is stop making the UK such an enticing prospect, remove the promise of free stuff and many will soon go elsewhere.

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